Add a callback to tell you the future is taking longer than an expected duration to complete.
To use this plugin, add maybe_slow_future
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
maybe_slow_future: ^1.0.2
/// Remember to import the package to be able to use the [Future.onSlow] extension method
import 'package:maybe_slow_future/maybe_slow_future.dart';
void main() {
print('Fetching data...');
const timeToComplete = Duration(seconds: 5);
/// simulate a long running operation
final fetchDataFuture = Future.delayed(timeToComplete, () {
print('Got data after ${timeToComplete}: Hello World!');
/// use the extension method [Future.onSlow]
fetchDataFuture.onSlow(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
print('Be patient! It might take a while to complete...');
/// or use the [maybeSlowFuture] function
actualFuture: fetchDataFuture,
threshold: Duration(seconds: 3, milliseconds: 500),
onSlowCallback: () {
print('This is taking longer than expected...');
/// output:
/// Fetching data...
/// Be patient! It might take awhile to complete...
/// This is taking longer than expected...
/// Got data after 0:00:05.000000: Hello World!