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PRoViT code for SAIV 2024 paper titled Provable Repair of Vision Transformers


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Provable Repair of Vision Transformers

PRoViT is an approach that repairs Vision Transformers. Thousands of images can be repaired using PRoViT while preserving the Vision Transformer architecture.

The code in this repository is the latest artifact from our paper Provable Repair of Vision Transformers, published at SAIV 2024.

  title={Provable Repair of Vision Transformers},
  author={Nawas, Stephanie and Tao, Zhe and Thakur, Aditya V},
  booktitle={International Symposium on AI Verification},


Local Installation

If you wish to run PRoViT locally, the reference environment is Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) with Python 3.9.7, torch 1.11.0 and torchvision 0.12.0. Note that we recommend using Python 3.9.7, as other versions may not be compatible with torch 1.11.0. We suggest using a conda environment to run the experiments. Run the following command to install required Python packages.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you wish to use NVIDIA GPU/CUDA, the reference environment uses CUDA 11.3 and CUDNN 8. You could change the following lines in requirements.txt to a CUDA version that's compatible with your CUDA installation.

torchvision ==0.12.0+cu113


Download and Extract Datasets

Our experiments require ImageNet-C and ImageNet validation datasets. Please download the official ImageNet validation set (ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar) via torrent and place it in ~/datasets/ILSVRC2012/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar. The following command will extract the Imagenet validation dataset.

$ make datasets-imagenet

For ImageNet-C, download weather.tar from ImageNet-C's Zenodo. Extract the tar file to your datasets directory and rename the folder to imagenet-c.

Set Up Gurobi License

Reproducing experiments for PRoViT requires a (free) Gurobi academic license. Please visit Gurobi academic license to generate an "Academic WLS License" (for containers). Aside from the official instructions, the following steps might be helpful.

  • Login to the Gurobi user portal.
  • Go to the "License - Request" tab, genearte a "WLS Academic" license if you don't have one. If you already have a "WLS Academic" license, you might get an "[LICENSES_ACADEMIC_EXISTS] Cannot create academic license as other academic licenses already exists" error.
  • Go to the "Home" tab, click "Licenses - Open the WLS manager" to open the WLS manager.
  • In the WLS manager, you should see a license under the "Licenses" tab. Click "extend" if it has expired (it might take some time to take effect).
  • Go to the "API Keys" tab, click the "CREATE API KEY" button to create a new license, download the generated gurobi.lic file and place it in /opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic inside the container.

Hardware Requirements

All experiments were run on a machine with Dual Intel Xeon Silver 4216 Processor 16-Core 2.1GHz with 384 GB of memory, SSD and RTX-A6000 with 48 GB of GPU memory running Ubuntu 20.04. Running on a machine with less CPU/GPU cores and memory might not reproduce the timing numbers in the paper.

Running the experiments without GPU will be much slower, especially during fine tuning and evaluation.

Getting Started Guide

The scripts ./run_exp{i}.sh are set up to run the experiments from the SAIV 2024 publication, each experiment labeled as in the paper. If the script cannot find the datasets on your machine, you may need to edit the path option in the scripts, for example:

--path /home/public/datasets/ImageNet

Experiment logs are saved in the ./logs directory.

Note: Gurobi license required, see "Setup Gurobi License" for details.

cd PRoViT

To run other experiments, run the following:

python3 experiments/ --path ~/datasets --netname deit --device cuda:0 --n 10 --seed 0 --metric 3 --method provitFTLP --ft_niter 1 --batch_size 100

You can change the options for different experiments. The options are:

  • path: The directory containing the ImageNet-C dataset and the ImageNet validation set.
  • netname: Which network to repair (vitb16, vitl32, deit, resnet152, vgg19)
  • device: (cpu, cuda, cuda:0) Note that we only tested with RTX A6000 (48GB), hence running larger experiments on GPU with less memory might cause failure.
  • n: The number of labels to include in the repair set.
  • seed: An integer for the random seed to create different repair sets.
  • metric: An integer representing which metric (as described in provit/ to use to construct the repair and generalization sets.
  • method: Which method to use for repair. The options are provitFT, FTall, provitLP, and provitFTLP.
  • ft_niter: The max number of iterations of fine tuning to complete before timing out.
  • batch_size: The number of inputs to group in each fine tuning update.
  • lr: The learning rate for fine tuning.
  • gamma: The multiplicative factor of learning rate decay in the learning rate scheduler.

Note that the timing numbers may not be the same due to the difference in hardware. The drawdown and generalization numbers may not be exactly the same for the following reasons:

  • The Gurobi solver, especially its concurrent methods, is not deterministic. Hence the experiment might produce a different repaired network.
  • Difference in hardware (e.g., CPU, GPU, Tensor cores), instruction sets and libraries (e.g., CUDA, CUDNN) might cause small differences in the evaluation of accuracy.

Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I see gurobipy.GurobiError: Model too large for size-limited license?

This is because the Gurobi academic license is missing and Gurobi is using a trial license shipped with the gurobipy package. Please follow the "Setup Gurobi License" section to acquire one and put it (or paste its content to) under /opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic. To verify the license, the command

cat /opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic

should print a license like

# Gurobi WLS license file
# Your credentials are private and should not be shared or copied to public repositories.
# Visit for more information.

And you should be able to see the following lines in the console output of experiments.

Set parameter WLSAccessID
Set parameter WLSSecret
Set parameter LicenseID to value <LICENSEID>
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - registered to <username or email>

Also, after running any experiment with your license, you should be able to login and see activities of the corresponding license.

Why do I see "Gurobi license expired"?

There are few possible reasons:

  1. It might because you haven't put your academic license /opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic and the trial license has expired. In this case, please follow the "Setup Gurobi License" section to install your license.

  2. It might because your Gurobi WLS license is expired. You could login and check the status of your Gurobi WLS license. If it is expired, check extend to extend it.

  3. It might because the Gurobi server haven't update the expiration date of your license if you just registered one or extended it. In this case, please wait for a few minutes.

Why do I see a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ... exception?

It is because the python virtual environment (venv) is deactivated in the shell. Use conda activate to activate the conda environment used for these experiments.


PRoViT code for SAIV 2024 paper titled Provable Repair of Vision Transformers







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