Regis Clicker (tentative name) is the Digiforma 2023 Christmas Game.
Inspired by famous Cookie Clicker and Paperclips Idle Game, Regis must deliver a maximum of trainings to affor his Christmas presents.
During the course of the Game, Regis will become exponentionally more productive and training the whole galaxy !
- Populate the information correctly in the ReadMe
- Create a clean project (prettier, tests, file separation, etc.)
- Implement a small CI
- Set up automatic deployment and the domain (Amplify?)
- Automatically generate upgrades from
- SUPER IMPORTANT Develop a prerequisite purchase system
- Manage the maximum number of repeated purchases for each upgrade
- Save system
- Pause system
- Reset system
- SUPER IMPORTANT Achievement system
- SUPER IMPORTANT Notifications system
- Achievement sharing system
- General layout
- Cool clicker effects
- Stylish upgrade buttons
- Display information about the current game state
- Animation on each click
- Ambient animations and music
- Improve the todo list with more details
asdf isntall
: install nodenpm i
: install dependenciesnpm run start
: run development server (with hot module reloading !)
Automatically format the code with prettier
npx prettier --write .
This project is automatically deployed on AWS Amplify on every push to main
The game is publicly available here
This project is scaffolded with Vite and uses React as the main view framework, read more about it here :
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh