This project will be used to be familiar with open source contribution. We will build a distributed database that supports aggregation functions. t
Make a GitHub account.
- Open your browser
- Go to
- Press Sign Up
- Follow the instructions
- Verify your email address
Download Git
- Open your browser
- Go to
- Follow the instructions
Upload your file
- Open your browser
- Navigate to
- Create an Issue i.e you are working on %% Aggregate function.
- Fork the repo
- Close the browser
- Create your file with the name of Aggregate function name
- Open terminal
- Navigate to the Downloads folder in your terminal: cd /path/to/downloads
- Clone the project you forked. The command will be like git clone[yourGitHubName]/AI_Demo_Project.git
- Go inside the folder that is created from the git clone command: cd AI_Demo_Project
- Copy the file which you have created. You can do this through UI. The AI_Demo_Project folder that is created with git clone command is located in your Downloads folder
- Go to the terminal again
- Then make a new branch with the name as your file name: git checkout -b [file_name]
- Get all the new files from origin: git pull origin master
- Add all the new files: git add –-all
- Commit your changes: git commit -m "Upload my files"
- Upload your changes to the repo: git push origin [file_name]. If you are asked for your credentials, add your GitHub account credentials.
- Open your browser
- Go to[yourGitHubName]/AI_Demo_Project
- Press New pull request
- Select as base repository ACM-UoA-Student-Chapter/AI_Demo_Project and as a base master. As head repository select [yourGitHubName]/AI_Demo_Project and as compare your branch. Your branch will be named as your file_name.
- Leave a comment, that you are from ACM UoA Student Chapter
- We will review your files and we will accept the request if everything is ok. If not, we will let you know the reason your request is rejected
Here's a Markdown Cheatsheet for those of you who're getting started : Markdown Cheatssheet
ACM UoA Student Chapter