Lessons plan for AI Saturdays Kigali
Some usefuls link for AI Saturdays Lessons and plans
The first 2 weeks we will learn Machine learning foundations.
- Linear Algebra
- Calculus
- Probabilty and statistics
- Introduction to python programming and datascience tools (pandas and numpy)
Another preliminary video :
By siraj raval Motivation Video
- Introduction to Statistics and Probability
- Another Intresting Video from Khan Academy
- check this one also
- Be efficient in pandas
- Pandas Exercices
- Pandas for Datascience Exploratory data analysis 10 minutes to Pandas
- More advanced tutorials 1 and 2
- Answering question on previous sessions
- Discuss: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science
- Machine Learning Crash Course by Google:
Introduction to ML
Descending into ML
- Dicussion about project we will work on
Machine Learning Crash Course by Google Reducing Loss:
- Reducing Loss
- Coding Linear regression from scratch ressource 1 ressource 2 ressource 3
Machine Learning Crash Course by Google: First Steps with TensorFlow:
- First Steps with TensorFlow
- Generalization - Training and Test Sets Validation - Representation
Complete “Check Your Understanding” and “Programming Exercises”, if any
- Comming Soon
- Feature Crosses - One Hot Vectors
- Regularization