To create a contianer with the psql server in use:
docker run --name=PSQLServer --net=host -dt anniesoft/psqlserver bash -c "su postgres -c 'postgres -D /PSQLServer'"
Note: server is blank with no users permissions or tables.
You can log into it with a local psql client, or if you do not have one you can spawn a docker container to act as your local client with
docker run --name=PSQLClient --net=host -it anniesoft/psqlserver bash -c " su postgres -c 'psql -h' "
To subsequently start or stop the psql server or client use the following commands:
docker start PSQLServer
docker stop PSQLServer
docker start -i PSQLClient
docker Stop PSQLClient
Note: if you want a one time use client and not a perminant contianer replase --name=PSQLClient
with --rm