OpenCue v0.2.31
- Adding unittests for pycue wrappers #325, #324, #323, #322, #319, #287
- Cleanup spring XML definitions #318
- Add ASWF logos #321
- Create initial issues templates #317
- Setup Pyoutline default home and user directories #316
- Fix pycue proxy method to not require C++ protobuf extensions #305
- Respect job priorities in dispatcher #299
- Add missing Python compatibility classifiers to setup.py #300
- CueAdmin Python 3 support #296
- CueAdmin test coverage and cleanup #295, #291, #288
- Configurable CueGui DEFAULT_INI_PATH #293
- Stop RQD on control-c event #290
- Support viewing archived jobs in CueGui #280
- Allow rqconstants to be overwritten by config #279
- README updates #281
- PyOutline Python 3 compatibility #269
- Log level updates when job completes #277