Video Demo for the Project: Watch Here
Fetch Data From MyAnimeList API And Save it To db file And Extract Data From db File And Save it in CSV file Based on Format Type Like [TV, OVA, Movie, Special, ONA, Music, CM, PV, TV Special]
Clone this repository to your Device:
git clone
Run make in the Terminal To Create an Environment:
Or Create an Environment manually Here and install all necessary libraries By using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
The Program Has Two features
Insert Data:
if the user want to insert data to the database file.
then the program will ask about the result type Meaning:
- if the user want to get the result extractly the same as the txt, Enter exact.
- if the user want all result that Has txt name in it, Enter all.
after that user will enter his CLIENT ID, then the program will start fetching for all the anime in the txt file And Save it to the db file.
Get Data
- if the user want to extract data from the database file by creating CSV file.
- then the program will ask about Format type And There is Two Choices:
- if user want one format only Like [TV, OVA, Movie, Special, ONA, Music, CM, PV, TV Special].
- if the user want to get all formats all.