JavaScript implementation of Set, a data structure to store non-repeated values.
Load the script before using it.
In the example below, the script is loaded in the head of an HTML file:
<script src="js-set.js"></script>
To create an instance of the JS-Set and start using it, just type: var mySet = new Set();
The list of available methods:
Returns the set as an array mySet.getSet()
Returns number of elements in the Set mySet.size()
Returns the n-th object in the set mySet.getSet(3)
Inserts single objects into the Set
If the object is already in the Set it's not added.
Inserts an array of objects into the Set
mySet.addAll(["bar", 1, 2, 3, [4, "five"], "six"])
Objects that are already in the Set are not added.
Removes object from Set: mySet.remove("foo")
Removes an array of objects from the Set: mySet.removeAll([1, 2, "six"])
Returns true if key is in the set, otherwise false mySet.contains("foo")
Returns true if all the elements of the given array are contained in the set, otherwise false mySet.containsAll([1, 2, "six"]);
Empties Set: mySet.clear()
Comments represent outputs:
var mySet = new Set();
mySet.add("foo"); // ["foo"]
mySet.add("foo"); // ["foo"] not added, already in the Set
mySet.addAll(["foo", 1, 2, "bar", 3, 4]); // ["foo", 1, 2, "bar", 3, 4]
mySet.getSet(); // ["foo", 1, 2, "bar", 3, 4]
mySet.size(); // 6
mySet.get(3); // "bar"
mySet.remove("foo"); // [1, 2, "bar", 3, 4]
mySet.removeAll([1, "bar", 2]); // [3, 4]
mySet.contains("bar"); // false
mySet.contains(4); // true
mySet.containsAll(["bar", 4]); // false
mySet.containsAll([4, 3]); // true
// Method chaining
mySet.add(1).add(2).remove(2).addAll([3, 4, 5]).getSet(); // [1, 3, 4, 5]
mySet.clear(); // []
Alejandro Perez Martin: