Wagtail + Lottie is a Wagtail package for playing Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin.
- Export your animation from Adobe After Effect with Bodymovin.
- Compress the folder in zip format.
- Create a Lottie animation from Wagtail and add this zip file.
Can be used like this at Wagtail page level :
from wagtail_lottie.models import LottieAnimation
from wagtail_lottie.widgets import LottieAnimationChooser
from wagtail_lottie.blocks import LottieAnimationChooserBlock
class HomePage(Page):
lottie_animation_foreign_key = models.ForeignKey(LottieAnimation, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
lottie_animation_stream_field = StreamField([
('lottie_animation_block', LottieAnimationChooserBlock()),
('rich_text', blocks.RichTextBlock())
content_panels = [
FieldPanel('lottie_animation_foreign_key', widget=LottieAnimationChooser),
And rendered this way at html level :
<!-- For ForeignKey -->
{% include 'wagtail_lottie/lottie_animation.html' with value=page.lottie_animation_foreign_key %}
<!-- For StreamField -->
{% for block in page.lottie_animation_stream_field %}
{% include_block block %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- These scripts are required to launch animations -->
<script src="{% static 'wagtail_lottie/lottie-player.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'wagtail_lottie/lottie-animation.js' %}"></script>
Install with pip :
pip install wagtail_lottie
Add wagtail_lottie to Django apps installed :
Run some Django commands :
python manage.py collectstatic python manage.py migrate
Set if needed Wagtail Lottie download folder in the Django settings (default value is 'wagtail_lottie') :