esp8266 weather station using Open-Meteo API
Can be programmed to ESP8266 using Arduino IDE.
Based on Here you can find detailed instructions on building your weather station hardware if you need. The disadvantage of the ThingPulse code is that it uses OpenWeatherMap APIs that are limited and require user registration. Up to now I have been using OpenWeatherMap OneCall API 2.5 but they have discontinued serving it on 17 Sept 2024, suggesting to change to their paid API 3.0. As OpenWeatherMap require a (payed) subscription for API 3.0 with a credit card I have decided to change the provider and just reprogrammed my weather station to use a new, free and flexible open-meteo API.
Features you get with my code:
- uses Open-Meteo API (see
- 4 icons per display page (instead of originally 3)
- hourly weather forecast for 8 hours, added a rain probability for every hour
- daily weather forecast for 8 days with min, max temperatures and rain probability percentage
- daily expected maximum wind force, gusts and direction in human readable form
- daily UV index and mm of rain
- daily sunrise and sunset hour
- BME280 sensor for indoor temperature, humidity, pressure
Usable display: SSD1306 0.96 inch OLED or SH1106 1.3 inch OLED.
- SSD1306 0.96 inch OLED or SH1106 1.3 inch OLED
- esp8266 module
- optional: BME280 sensor
You have to set the following things in the WeatherStation.ino file to make it work for you:
- Your WiFi SSID and password - WIFI_SSID and WIFI_PWD
- Your timezone in line setenv("TZ", "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3", 0);
- Your timezone in function OpenWeatherMapOneCall::buildPath() like timezone=Europe%2FBerlin
- Your display - #define SSD1306 or #define SH1106
- Your SDA_PIN and SDC_PIN for the display (and optional BME280 sensor)
Enjoy! (2024) Alexey