GitHub issues and Pull Requests that are part of the release: Milestone 1.8.0
- [ACA-2401] - Additional Localizations
- [ACA-1619] - Show metadata properties automatically
- [ACA-2322] - Add possibility to load custom template/sub-menus when navigating to some routes #982
- [ACA-2351] - Provide group memberships for ContextRule #1067
- [ACA-2355] - Right to Left Language Support for Arabic
- [ACA-2364] - Custom "double-click" actions for document list
- [ACA-2390] - New extensibility rule: isAdmin
- [ACA-1288] - Editing name does not refresh the doc list
- [ACA-2128] - Side Nav Expand/Collapse button must have discernible text
- [ACA-2137] - Destination picker - sync code with ADF excludeSiteContent
- [ACA-2138] - Viewer - sync code with ADF remove CSS swap hack
- [ACA-2139] - adf-content-node-selector.theme.scss
- [ACA-2141] - adf-info-drawer.theme.scss
- [ACA-2143] - adf-pagination.theme.scss
- [ACA-2144] - adf-search-filter.theme.scss
- [ACA-2145] - adf-search-sorting-picker.theme.scss
- [ACA-2146] - adf-sidenav-layout.theme.scss
- [ACA-2148] - adf-upload-button.theme.scss
- [ACA-2149] - adf-upload-dialog.theme.scss
- [ACA-2150] - adf-upload-drag-area.theme.scss
- [ACA-2151] - adf-version-manager.theme.scss
- [ACA-2182] - Move Share dialog customisations
- [ACA-2185] - Move Auth Guard enhancements to ADF
- [ACA-2186] - Move fixes for Recent Files api to ADF
- [ACA-2196] - Setup Shared Library project
- [ACA-2223] - Search Facet enhancements for Facet Intervals
- [ACA-2236] - Additional Languages
- [ACA-2243] - remove old 'facet-buttons' styles - after upgrade to ADF 3.1.0
- [ACA-2244] - Remove workarounds for Login redirect
- [ACA-2272] - Allow Searches which Contain the Entered search-value and not only start with the Search-value (ADF-4254)
- [ACA-2302] - Upgrade to ADF 3.2
- [ACA-2320] - Navigation - extension support store action
- [ACA-2327] - Optimize the rules in the core extensions file
- [ACA-2328] - Clean-up scss code to prepare for moving overrides to ADF
- [ACA-2334] - SearchQueryBuilderService: remove workarounds
- [ACA-2359] - Remove temporary fix of context menu once ADF has the fix
- [ACA-2365] - Add support for opening info-drawer expected panel by action
- [ACA-2377] - Use ADF translation support for Info Drawer component
- [ACA-2416] - MatIcon directionality
- [ACA-2471] - It is not possible to trigger viewer closing from extension.
- [ACA-2473] - Updates to the actions menu, order and capitalization
- [ACA-2653] - Disable the check for SSO when running AOS extension
- [ACA-1124] - Download Zip dialog does not cancel Zip creation
- [ACA-1220] - The main node of the breadcrumb is not displayed in File Libraries
- [ACA-1930] - Search results list does not refresh after renaming a folder
- [ACA-2072] - Inconsistency on breadcrumbs on Move/Copy for Files Library
- [ACA-2121] - Column titles scroll out of view
- [ACA-2156] - Special characters in navBar item routes (extension.json) break the item link #900
- [ACA-2257] - File is not unlocked after saving changes and closing Office
- [ACA-2265] - All labels should be translated
- [ACA-2288] - Music / video stops playing when opening the Info drawer in the viewer
- [ACA-2300] - Restore version does not refresh the document list
- [ACA-2307] - The metadata group is always showed even though the properties are not there
- [ACA-2330] - Failing e2e tests after adding 'adf-ellipsis-cell' to name columns
- [ACA-2331] - Destination picker UI is messed up
- [ACA-2345] - Edit button is not displayed in the Info Drawer for folders
- [ACA-2350] - Trashcan & Libraries - context menu won't show until manually select the row
- [ACA-2363] - Column text visible through the info drawer on Favorites
- [ACA-2369] - Page layout is broken after upgrading to ADF 3.2.0
- [ACA-2419] - Snyk is not working properly
- [ACA-2470] - Docker entrypoint.sh is missing sed-safe encoding for APP_BASE_SHARE_URL #1127
- [ACA-2643] - Upload new version action does not work in Edge
- [ACA-2645] - Shared Link Settings action is incorrectly displayed in Shared Files list for multiple selection
- [ACA-2652] - Breadcrumb folder names do not shrink when path is too long to fit the screen
- [ACA-2654] - ITALIAN - Menu option not wrapped correctly
- [ACA-2656] - Hide sign out option from toolbar