Django Snippets Pro provides django support for Sulime Text.
Standard (using package-control):
- Open the Command Pallete (
). - Type “Install Package” and hit return.
- Type “Django Sinppets Pro” and hit return.
For Installing the package manually first make sure you have installed git on your system (specially on windows). Install package as a single command depending on your platform:
git clone ~/Library/Application Support/Subime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Django\ Snippets\ Pro/
- Linux
git clone ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Django\ Snippets\ Pro/
- Windows
git clone %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Django Snippets Pro\
Package will provide snippets in following categories.
snippets | description |
imports | snippets for imports |
models | snippets for models, model fields |
forms | snippets for forms, form fields |
views | snippets for views(views, genericviews, adminviews) |
views extra | snippets for views(views, genericviews, adminviews) |
files | snippets for file templates (urls, forms, cutomtags) |
urls | snippets for urls (fbv path, cvb path, path as include) |
html files | snippets for hmtl files |
Abbreviation | Tag | Description |
imp-models | models | from django import models |
imp-forms | forms | from django import forms |
imp-getusermodel | get_user_model | from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model |
imp-generic | generic view | from django.views import generic |
imp-jsonresponse | JsonResponse | from django.http import JsonResponse |
imp-reverse | reverse | from django.urls import reverse |
imp-reverselazy | reverse_lazy | from django.urls import reverse_lazy |
imp-pdb | pdb | import pdb; pdb.set_trace() |
imp-ipdb | ipdb | import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() |
imp-npdb | npdb | from import set_trace; set_trace() |
imp-traceback | traceback | import traceback; traceback.print_exc(); |
Abbreviation | Description |
urlfile | Url File Template |
formfile | Forms File Tempalte |
customtagsfile | Custom Tags File Template |
Abbreviation | Description |
path | path("", VIEW, name="") |
cpath | path("", VIEW.as_view(), name="") |
ipath | path("", include("", namespace="")) |
reverse | reverse("", args=[], kwargs={}) |
lreverse | reverse_lazy("", args=[], kwargs={}) |
Abbreviation | Description |
xmodel | Full model template |
model | Simple model template |
msave | Models save Function |
mfpath | Models file upload path function |
mproperty | Models new property function |
Abbreviation | Name | Tag |
mauto | Auto | models.AutoField() |
mbauto | BigAuto | models.BigAutoField() |
mbigint | BigInteger | models.BigIntegerField() |
mbool | Boolean | models.BooleanField() |
mchar | Char | models.CharField() |
mcoseint | CSInteger | models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField() |
mdate | Date | models.DateField() |
mdatetime | DateTime | models.DateTimeField() |
mdecimal | Decimal | models.DecimalField() |
mduration | Duration | models.DurationField() |
memail | models.EmailField() |
mfile | File | models.FileField() |
mfilepath | FilePath | models.FilePathField() |
mfloat | Float | models.FloatField() |
mjson | JSON | models.JSONField() |
mgip | GIP | models.GenericIPAddressField() |
mimg | Image | models.ImageField() |
mint | Integer | models.IntegerField() |
mip | IP | models.IPAddressField() |
mnullbool | NullBoolean | models.NullBooleanField() |
mphone | Phone | models.PhoneNumberField() |
mposint | PosInterger | models.PositiveIntegerField() |
mposbigint | PosBigInterger | models.PositiveBigIntegerField |
mpossmallint | SmallPosInteger | models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() |
mslug | Slug | models.SlugField() |
msmallint | SmallInt | models.SmallIntegerFiled() |
msmallauto | SmallAuto | models.SmallAutoField() |
mtext | Text | models.TextField() |
mtime | Time | models.TimeField() |
murl | URL | models.URLField() |
musstate | USState | models.USStateField() |
muuid | MUUID | models.UUIDField() |
mxml | XML | models.XMLField() |
fk | Foreignkey | models.ForeignKey() |
m2m | ManyToMany | models.ManyToManyField() |
o2o | OneToOne | models.OneToOneField() |
Abbreviation | Description |
formfile | Forms File Template |
form | Django Form |
modelform | Django Model Form |
fclean | clean_field |
ffclean | clean |
Abbreviation | Name | Description |
fbool | Boolean | forms.BooleanField() |
fchar | Char | forms.CharField() |
fchoice | Choice | forms.ChoiceField() |
fcombo | Combo | forms.ComboField() |
fdate | Date | forms.DateField() |
fdatetime | DateTime | forms.DateTime() |
fdecimal | Decimal | forms.DecimalField() |
fduration | Duration | forms.DurationField() |
femail | forms.EmailField() |
ffile | File | forms.FileField() |
ffilepath | FilePath | forms.FilePathField() |
ffloat | Float | forms.FloatField() |
fgip | GIP | forms.GenericIPAddressField() |
fimg | Image | forms.ImageField() |
fint | Integer | forms.IntegerField() |
fip | IP | forms.IPAddressField() |
fmochoice | ModelChoice | forms.ModelChoiceField() |
fmomuchoice | ModelMultiChoice | forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField() |
fmuchoice | MultiChoice | forms.MultipleChoiceField() |
fmuval | MultiValue | forms.MultipleValueField() |
fnullbool | NullBoolean | forms.NullBooleanField() |
fregex | Regex | forms.RegexField() |
fslug | Slug | forms.SlugField() |
fsdatetime | SplitDateTime | forms.SplitDateTime() |
ftime | Time | forms.TimeField() |
ftchoice | TypedChoice | forms.TypedChoiceField() |
ftmuchoice | TupedMultiChoice | forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField() |
furl | URL | forms.URLField() |
fuuid | UUID | forms.UUIDField() |
Abbreviation | Description |
view | FBV View |
cview | CBV View |
listview | List View |
formview | Form View |
createview | Create View |
updateview | Update View |
detailview | Detail View |
deleteview | Delete View |
templateview | Template View |
adminview | Admin View ( |
tabularinline | Admin Tabular inline view |
stackedinline | Admin Stacked inline view |
Abbreviation | Description |
init | init |
__str__ | __str__ |
dispatch | dispatch |
forminvalid | form_invalid |
formvalid | form_valid |
get | get |
post | post |
getcontextdata | get_context_data |
getformkwargs | get_form_kwargs |
getinitial | get_initial |
getobject | get_object |
getqueryset | get_queryset |
getsuccessurl | get_success_url |
r2r | render_to_response |
Abbreviation | Description |
autoescape | {% autoescape %} {% autoescape %} |
block | {% block %} {% endblock %} |
blocktrans | {% blocktrans %} {% endblocktrans %} |
blocktrans | {% blocktrans with as %} {% endblocktrans %} |
comment | {% comment %} {% endcomment %} |
commentd | {% comment "" %} {% endcomment %} |
csrf | {% csrf_token %} |
cycle | {% cycle %} |
debug | {% debug %} |
extends | {% extends "" %} |
filter | {% filter %} {% endfilter %} |
firstof | {% firstof %} |
for | {% for in %} {% endfor %} |
fore | {% for in %} {% empty %} {% endfor %} |
if | {% if %} {% endif %} |
elif | {% elif %} |
else | {% else %} |
ifchanged | {% ifchanged %} {% endifchanged %} |
ife | {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %} |
ifelse | {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %} |
ifeq | {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %} |
ifequal | {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %} |
ifnotequal | {% ifnotequal %} {% endifnotequal %} |
include | {% include %} |
load | {% load %} |
now | {% now "" %} |
regroup | {% regroup by as %} |
spaceless | {% spaceless %} {% endspaceless %} |
ssi | {% ssi %} |
static | {% static %} |
staticu | {{ STATIC_URL }} |
media | {{ MEDIA_URL }} |
templatetag | {% templatetag %} |
trans | {% trans %} |
url | {% url %} |
verbatim | {% verbatim %} {% endverbatim %} |
vv | {{ }} |
tag | {% %} |
widthratio | {% widthratio %} |
with | {% with as %} {% endwith %} |
extrahead | {% block extrahead %} {% endblock extrahead %} |
extrasyle | {% block extrastyle %} {% endblock extrastyle %} |
extrajslibs | {% block extrajslibs %} {% endblock extrajslibs %} |
extrascript | {% block extrascript %} {% endblock extrascript %} |