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Development Setup

Sven Loesekann edited this page Feb 5, 2018 · 5 revisions

Continous Deployment Setup

The intention is to have a local enviroment with fast redeployment of your code changes. The Wildfly plugin(or your plugin) provides hot code replacement on the server. That makes rapid development of the rest services possible. Angular Cli serves the ui and rebuilds and refreshes the ui on every change. Angular Cli sends the rest calls to the Java EE server that can respond immediately. You have your ui and your rest service on your machine and are able to develop them concurrently. If your rest service needs to call other remote services they need to be stubbed according to the environment your work in.



  • Check out the project
  • Open a shell and cd into the directory carrental-web/src/main/angular2/carrental
  • Execute npm install --save-dev angular-cli@latest for Angular Cli installation -> takes some time
  • Execute npm install for dependency resolution -> takes some time
  • Execute npm start to start the UI -> http://localhost:4200/ shows the welcome page.
  • Add the carrental projects to the wildfly deployment in eclipse
  • Start Wildfly in Eclipse

Now you can use the project and get the list and detail routes.

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