Compile the program:
$ make release
$ make clean
Each call to the heuristic solver must be of the form:
$ mkp <path_to_instance> <random|greedy|toyoda|ga|sa> \
[--max-time value] [--fi|--bi|--vnd] [--seed value] [--terse]
If no seed is provided, current time is used as seed to the RNG. --terse is an optional argument for helping the R script to accelerate the parsing of standard output by displaying only necessary information. Mind it only if you wish to hide the objective, constraints, selected items and discarded items in the output messages. Let's explicit how to call each one of the twelve algorithms:
$ # Genetic algorithm
$ mkp <path_to_instance> ga
$ # Simulated annealing
$ mkp <path_to_instance> sa
$ # Set time limit to 60 seconds
$ mkp <path_to_instance> <random|greedy|toyoda|ga|sa> --max-time 60