This is inspired by Vuex
It has a similar api as vuex and uses the svelte store( or your own custom svelte store like) and makes working with svelte stores somewhat clean and organised
The compiled version should be able to work in any other js web app(not tested yet)
current plan is to rewrite entire lib in typescript and add full typescript support.
npm install stores-x
<script src=""><script>
for old browsers
<script src=""><script>
<script src=""><script>
each individual state defaults as a writable svelte store but with an additional get
property to get the current state value.
example: storeItem.get()
// gets current value by making a temporal store subscription
They mutate the state values. Simply put they change or set state values. The are funtions.
declared like This :
run as
commit('mutationName', val);
The do tasks like any other function. They can commit 'store.mutations' also can dispatch store.actions.
declared like This :
actionName({state, commit, dispatch, g },...args){}
run as
dispatch('actionName', ...args);
// or
They are used to get state values or any other custom one
declared like This :
run as
this an array of state items which you don't wish to be a any store. That is the item will be reactive. It's a config
This controls the default settings (ie. whether to disable the default getter or mutation for a particular state). It's a config
If the default mutation for a particular state item is disabled the corresponding default action will also be disabled.
default: true
All item's getters, mutations, actions will be created automatically. This is the default`
default: {
item1: true, //getters, mutations, actions will be created automatically
item2: {getters: false}, //mutations, actions will be created automatically
item3: false //no default getters, mutations, actions will be created
It's a config this declares the type of store you want for an storeitem
storeType: 'writable' // all items will be writable. This is the default
storeType: {
item1: 'writable',
item2: 'sessionPersistantStore',
item3: customStore
//each item defaults to 'writable'`
- 'writable' => svelteWritable store with a get method
- 'sessionPersistantStore' => uses sessionStorage but still reactive like any other svelte store
- 'localPersistantStore' => uses localStorage but still reactive like any other svelte store
- a custom store function
is a function that executes/runs a mutation
commit('mutationName', val);
is a function that executes/runs an action and returns Promise
dispatch('mutationName', ...args);
import storesX from 'stores-x';
store1 = {
noStore: ['apiKey'],
state: {
apiKey: 'string',
actions: {
doThatThing({ dispatch, state }) {
//doing it
dispatch('isLoggedIn', state.apiKey);
//state.apiKey.get() will be error since apiKey is not a store
store2 = {
storeType: 'writable',
state: {
isLoggedIn: false,
getters: {
islogedIn(state) {
// this will be created be default unless disabled
return state.isLoggedIn;
mutations: {
isLoggedIn(state, val) {
// this will be created be default unless disabled
actions: {
isLoggedIn({ state, commit, dispatch, g }, val) {
// this will be created be default unless disabled
// logging in
commit('isLoggedIn', val);
const store = storesX([store1, store2]);
const apiKey = store.g('apiKey'); // apiKey is getter is created automatically by default
const isLoggedIn = store.g('isLoggedIn');
console.log(apiKey); // logs => 'string'
console.log(isLoggedIn.get()); // logs => true|false
// or if in *.svelte
console.log($isLoggedIn); // logs => true|false
if you want you can give the defaults a prefix
store = storesX([store1, store2], { getters: 'get', mutations: 'set', actions: 'set' });
// so now
apiKey = store.g('getApiKey');
store.commit('setIsLoggedIn', val);