Probably create a GitHub organisation ApolloFiles
and have the following repos:
- Apollo (the Backend, so this one)
- Apollo-Frontend (contains the frontend and is included as dependency in the backend)
- Module-* (The official modules available in Apollo [some installed by default or not listed as module to the admin])
- Module ideas:
- Thumbnails
- ClamAV (+ VirusTotal)
- file converter (e.g. png to jpeg or word to pdf)
- file preview (syntax highlighting?)
- Image editor
- file editor
- Video editor
- ffmpeg (+ Batch mode with stream-selection-filter)
- File search
- File sharing
- FTP(S), SSH, WebDAV, ...
- Some kind of Watch-Party where you can share a link with friends and family to view images/videos together
- Trash bin
- Module ideas:
Special thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Jonas 🎨 🤔 |
NudelErde 💻 📓 🤔 |
JetBrains OS License |
GitHub Student Developer Pack |