Visualizer of mathematics algorithms in C++ and OpenGL
Implementation of Bezier curve algorithm with step parameters.
- translation of any control points and regeneration of Bézier curve in realtime
- translation of Bezier curve in realtime
Implementation of Chaikin curve algorithm with u, v and iteration parameters.
- translation of any control points and regeneration of Chaikin curve in realtime
Implementation of coons surface from 4 chaikin curves. Can't translate nor change control points.
Implementation of 3 meshes subdivisions algorithms iterations by iterations. All screenshots are the third iteration.
- right click => select a curve's point
- Alt + right click => move a curve's control point
- Ctlr + right click => select a curve
- Backspace => delete all meshes
- V key => enable 3D viewport. Press V again to disable
- Arrows key => move in 3D viewport
- W key => display wireframe
- N key => display normales