Hello World! It's my first repository There are 5 mini games on this page. Brain games.
For the correct operation of the games you will need:
Python v3.6 or higher.
Poetry v1.2.0 or higher.
To install, you need to run the commands
Git clone https://github.com/Attrolo/python-project-49
make setup
An example of the game "Parity check": To start the game, you must use the command: brain-even
An example of the game "Calculator": To start the game, you must use the command: brain-calc
An example of the game "Greatest Common Divisor": To start the game, you must use the command: brain-gcd
An example of the game "Arithmetic progression": To start the game, you must use the command: brain-progression
An example of the game "Prime Numbers": To start the game, you must use the command: brain-prime