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Fix connection test API path for WoA sites to fix broken connection notices not showing up #66836

Fix connection test API path for WoA sites to fix broken connection notices not showing up

Fix connection test API path for WoA sites to fix broken connection notices not showing up #66836

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow holds jobs for linting, currently PHP and JavaScript.
# The jobs are all set up to only run if appropriate files have changed; the
# `changed_files` job is used to determine whether files have changed in
# various categories so the rest of the jobs can know whether to run or not.
name: Linting
on: pull_request
group: linting-${{ github.event_name }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
### Job to categorize changed files. Other jobs depend on this to know when they should run.
name: detect changed files
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 1 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take a few seconds
# Whether any PHP files have changed.
php: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.php }}
# Whether any JavaScript files have changed.
js: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.js }}
# Whether any lock files have changed.
lockfiles: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.lockfiles }}
# Whether any GitHub Actions yaml files have changed.
ghactionsfiles: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.ghactionsfiles }}
# Whether any miscellaneous files related to linting have changed.
misc: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.misc }}
# Whether any miscellaneous files related to PHP linting have changed.
misc_php: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.misc == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.misc_php == 'true' }}
# Whether any miscellaneous files related to JS linting have changed.
misc_js: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.misc == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.misc_js == 'true' }}
# JSON string holding an array of files in phpcs-excludelist.json that have changed.
php_excluded_files: ${{ steps.filterPHP.outputs.php_excluded_files }}
# JSON string holding an array of files in eslint-excludelist.json that have changed.
js_excluded_files: ${{ steps.filterJS.outputs.js_excluded_files }}
# Whether any excluded files were modified or deleted.
excludelist: ${{ steps.filterExcludeList.outputs.excluded_files != '[]' || steps.filter.outputs.misc == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.misc_php == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.misc_js == 'true' || steps.filter.outputs.misc_excludelist == 'true' }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3
id: filter
list-files: json
filters: |
# If any PHP file changed, they need checking.
- added|modified:
- '**.php'
# If any JS file changed, they need checking.
- added|modified:
- '**.cjs'
- '**.js'
- '**.jsx'
- '**.mjs'
- '**.ts'
- '**.tsx'
- '**.svelte'
# If any PHP or JS file changed or was deleted, we need to check the excludelist.
- modified|deleted:
- '**.php'
- '**.js'
- '**.jsx'
- '**.ts'
- 'composer.json'
- 'composer.lock'
- 'package.json'
- 'pnpm-lock.yaml'
- '**/composer.json'
- '**/composer.lock'
- '**/package.json'
- '.github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}'
- '.github/actions/*/action.{yml,yaml}'
- 'projects/github-actions/*/action.{yml,yaml}'
# If composer, phpcs config, or the codesniffer package itself changed, there may be a new standard.
- 'composer.json'
- 'composer.lock'
- '.phpcs.config.xml'
- '.phpcs.xml.dist'
- '.phpcsignore'
- '**/.phpcs.dir.xml'
- '**/.phpcsignore'
- 'projects/packages/codesniffer/**'
# If the excludelist changed, run to ensure newly non-excluded files pass.
- 'tools/phpcs-excludelist.json'
# If other files used by this workflow changed, run it to test those changes.
- 'tools/'
- '.github/files/php-linting-phpcs.xml'
- '.github/matchers/phpcs-problem-matcher.json'
- '.github/matchers/php-lint-problem-matcher.json'
# If package or eslint config changed, there may be new checks.
- 'package.json'
- 'tools/js-tools/package.json'
- 'pnpm-lock.yaml'
- '.eslintignore'
- '.eslintignore.root'
- 'eslint.config.*'
- '**/.eslintignore'
- '**/eslint.config.*'
# If the excludelist changed, run to ensure newly non-excluded files pass.
- 'tools/eslint-excludelist.json'
- 'tools/'
- 'tools/js-tools/check-excludelist-diff.js'
# If the workflow itself changed, everything should re-run.
- '.github/workflows/linting.yml'
- id: filterPHP
shell: bash
PHP_FILES: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.php_files }}
run: |
EXCLUDED_FILES=$(jq --argjson files "$PHP_FILES" --slurpfile excludes tools/phpcs-excludelist.json -nc '$files - ($files - $excludes[0])')
echo "php_excluded_files=$EXCLUDED_FILES" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "Excluded files:"
jq --argjson files "$EXCLUDED_FILES" -nr '" - " + $files[]'
- id: filterJS
shell: bash
JS_FILES: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.js_files }}
run: |
EXCLUDED_FILES=$(jq --argjson files "$JS_FILES" --slurpfile excludes tools/eslint-excludelist.json -nc '$files - ($files - $excludes[0])')
echo "js_excluded_files=$EXCLUDED_FILES" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "Excluded files:"
jq --argjson files "$EXCLUDED_FILES" -nr '" - " + $files[]'
- id: filterExcludeList
shell: bash
FILES: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.excludelist_files }}
run: |
EXCLUDED_FILES=$(jq --argjson files "$FILES" --slurpfile phpexcludes tools/phpcs-excludelist.json --slurpfile jsexcludes tools/eslint-excludelist.json -nc '$files - ($files - $phpexcludes[0] - $jsexcludes[0])')
echo "excluded_files=$EXCLUDED_FILES" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "Excluded files:"
jq --argjson files "$EXCLUDED_FILES" -nr '" - " + $files[]'
### Runs `php -l` over all PHP files, in all relevant PHP versions
# Local equivalent: `composer php:lint`
name: PHP lint (${{ matrix.php-versions }})
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }}
timeout-minutes: 3 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take ~1 minute
fail-fast: false
php-versions: [ '7.2', '7.4', '8.0', '8.1', '8.2', '8.3', '8.4' ]
experimental: [ false ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
php: ${{ matrix.php-versions }}
node: false
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
# Install stuff ignoring platform reqs.
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
# Remove stuff we don't need here that fails some platform reqs.
# This will complain if we missed any.
composer remove --dev sirbrillig/phpcs-changed automattic/jetpack-codesniffer automattic/jetpack-phan-plugins phan/phan
- name: Run linter
run: |
echo "::add-matcher::.github/matchers/php-lint-problem-matcher.json"
composer php:lint -- --checkstyle
echo "::remove-matcher owner=php-lint"
### Runs phpcs on all PHP files not listed in phpcs-excludelist.json.
# Local equivalent: `composer phpcs:lint:required`
name: PHP Code Sniffer (non-excluded files only)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.php == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc_php == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take ~1 minute. Leaving some extra for future expansion.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
node: false
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer install
- name: Run phpcs
run: |
echo "::add-matcher::.github/matchers/phpcs-problem-matcher.json"
composer phpcs:lint:required -- --report=emacs --standard=.github/files/php-linting-phpcs.xml
echo "::remove-matcher owner=phpcs"
### Runs PHPCompatibility over all PHP files.
# Local equivalent: `composer phpcs:compatibility`
name: PHP Compatibility
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.php == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc_php == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take ~1 minute. Leaving some extra for future expansion.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
node: false
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer install
- name: Run phpcs for PHPCompatibility
run: |
echo "::add-matcher::.github/matchers/phpcs-problem-matcher.json"
composer phpcs:compatibility -- --report=emacs .
echo "::remove-matcher owner=phpcs"
### Runs phpcs-changed on PHP files listed in phpcs-excludelist.json.
# Local equivalent: `composer phpcs:changed -- --git-base=<base> <files...>`
# `<base>` is the branch this PR is to be merged into, probably `origin/trunk`.
# Pre-commit, you might also `git add` the relevant files and run `composer phpcs:changed`
name: PHP Code Sniffer (changes to excluded files only)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.php_excluded_files != '[]'
continue-on-error: true
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take ~1 minute. Leaving some extra for future expansion.
# We don't need full git history, but phpcs-changed does need everything up to the merge-base.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 10
- uses: ./.github/actions/deepen-to-merge-base
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
node: false
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer install
- name: Run phpcs-changed
shell: bash
SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
FILES: ${{ needs.changed_files.outputs.php_excluded_files }}
run: |
echo "::add-matcher::.github/matchers/phpcs-problem-matcher.json"
composer phpcs:changed -- --report=json --standard=.github/files/php-linting-phpcs.xml --git-base=$SHA $(jq -rn --argjson files "$FILES" '$files[]') |
jq -r '.files | to_entries | .[] | .key as $key | .value.messages[] | [ $key, ":", .line, ":", .column, ": ", .type, " - ", .message, " (", .source, ")" ] | map(tostring) | join("")'
echo "::remove-matcher owner=phpcs"
### Runs eslint on JS files not listed in eslint-excludelist.json
# Local equivalent: `pnpm run lint-required`
name: ESLint (non-excluded files only)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.js == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc_js == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 10 # 2021-03-05: Runs now take ~5 minutes due to now installing all php/js deps to ensure valid linting.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- name: Monorepo pnpm install
run: pnpm install
- run: pnpm run lint-required
### Runs eslint-changed on JS files listed in eslint-excludelist.json.
# Local equivalent: `pnpm run lint-changed --git-base=<base>`
# `<base>` is the branch this PR is to be merged into, probably `origin/trunk`.
# Pre-commit, you might also `git add` the relevant files and run `pnpm run lint-changed`
name: ESLint (changes to excluded files only)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.js_excluded_files != '[]'
continue-on-error: true
timeout-minutes: 10 # 2021-03-05: Taking ~4:30 now due to now installing all php/js deps to ensure valid linting.
# We don't need full git history, but eslint-changed does need everything up to the merge-base.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 10
- uses: ./.github/actions/deepen-to-merge-base
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- name: Monorepo pnpm install
run: pnpm install
- name: Run eslint-changed
SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
FILES: ${{ needs.changed_files.outputs.js_excluded_files }}
run: pnpm run lint-changed --git-base=$SHA $(jq -rn --argjson files "$FILES" '$files[]')
### Lints GitHub Actions yaml files.
# Local equivalent: `./tools/js-tools/lint-gh-actions.js <files>`
name: Lint GitHub Actions yaml files
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.ghactionsfiles == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-03-24: Pnpm stuff takes about a minute.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
php: false
- run: pnpm install
- name: Run lint
run: ./tools/js-tools/lint-gh-actions.js -v '.github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}' '.github/actions/*/action.{yml,yaml}' 'projects/github-actions/*/action.{yml,yaml}'
### Checks that copied files (e.g. readme, license) are in sync
# Local equivalent: `./tools/`
name: Copied files are in sync
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 1 # 2021-01-18: Successful runs seem to take a few seconds.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- run: ./tools/
### Runs tools/ and checks for any changes
# Local equivalent: `tools/`
name: Check linter exclude lists
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.excludelist == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 10 # 2022-05-11: The check itself takes 4 minutes.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- run: composer install
- name: Monorepo pnpm install
run: pnpm install
- name: Cleanup excludelists
run: tools/
- name: Check for changes to exclude lists
run: tools/js-tools/check-excludelist-diff.js
### Checks that changelogger change files are being created.
# Local equivalent: Probably `tools/check-changelogger-use.php origin/trunk HEAD`
name: Changelogger use
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-03-24: Takes about a minute.
# We don't need full git history, but tools/check-changelogger-use.php does need everything up to the merge-base.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
fetch-depth: 10
- uses: ./.github/actions/deepen-to-merge-base
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
node: false
- name: Check change files are touched for touched projects
BASE: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
HEAD: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
run: tools/check-changelogger-use.php --debug "$BASE" "$HEAD"
### Checks that changelogger change files are valid.
# Local equivalent: `./tools/`
name: Changelogger validity
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-03-24: Takes about a minute
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
node: false
- name: Check change file validity
run: tools/ -vv
### Checks that lock files are up to date.
# Local equivalent: .github/files/
# Note that may modify lock files in your working tree!
name: "Lock files are up to date"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.lockfiles == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 7 # 2021-03-17: Successful runs seem to take 3+ minutes, thanks to pnpm building stuff.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- run: .github/files/
### Check that monorepo packages are correctly referenced.
# Local equivalent: tools/ -v && .github/files/
name: Monorepo package version refs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: changed_files
if: needs.changed_files.outputs.lockfiles == 'true' || needs.changed_files.outputs.misc == 'true'
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2022-03-25: The pnpm install will probably take a minute or so.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- run: pnpm install
- run: tools/ -v
- run: .github/files/
### Checks against project structure, e.g. that composer.json exists.
# Local equivalent: `./.github/files/`
name: Project structure
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5 # 2021-03-24: Pnpm stuff takes about a minute.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup tools
uses: ./.github/actions/tool-setup
- run: pnpm install
- run: .github/files/