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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 4.6.0

Eduardo Pieretti Umpierre edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 5 revisions

Ensure no errors occur when changing subscription payment method via UPE checkout more than once in a session.

  1. Ensure UPE is enabled (using the WCPay dev tools plugin or by enabling Additional Payment Methods).
  2. Ensure WooCommerce Payments Subscriptions is enabled.
  3. Create a simple monthly subscription product.
  4. Purchase the subscription using a standard CC: 4242424242424242 (⚠️ don't use a saved card).
  5. Navigate to My Account -> Subscriptions -> Change Payment.
  6. Change the subscription payment method to a new card (you can use the same number with a different expiry date) or use a card number below (⚠️ don't use a saved card):
  7. Change the payment again to a new card as per step 5 & 6.
  8. Confirm that the second payment method change has been successful.

Make updating existing customer details during checkout async

  1. Follow the normal checkout flow(both UPE and non UPE) for an existing customer.
  2. Ensure there is a scheduled action created as wcpay_update_customer_with_order_data in Scheduled Actions (Tools > Scheduled Actions)
  3. Run the action and ensure there are no errors, additionally check logs to ensure a POST wcpay/customers/{{customer_id}} call was made (check WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Status > Logs and there should be a log for WooCommerce Payments with today's date)

Remove Charge request from Transaction Details page

  1. Perform an order on your test shop
  2. Open Payments > Transactions
  3. Click on the transaction that you have just made
  4. It should load the page correctly with all the payment details
  5. In Network tab on your browser's inspector (You may need to refresh the page after opening the inspector) image
    • You can filter the requests by "Fetch/XHR" – it will be easier to identify the requests
    • A /charges/ch_*** request should not exist
    • A /payment_intents/pi_*** request should exist and its response object should have the following structure:
Payment intent structure
      "customer_email":"[email protected]",
      "customer_name":"First Name",
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