What's Changed
- refactor packaging per PEP-518, update copyright notices by @prjemian in #710
- resolve random failures in the unit tests by @prjemian in #711
- Publish HTML with PyData theme by @prjemian in #712
- publish docs on demand by @prjemian in #715
- reorganize the docs by @prjemian in #716
- deprecate all snapshot support by @prjemian in #717
- remove diagnostic print() line by @prjemian in #718
- lineup(): user can control which peak parameter is used by @prjemian in #719
- Imaging with AD hdf5 single mode by @prjemian in #721
- create a Device from a dictionary by @prjemian in #723
- accept greater variation in dict structures by @prjemian in #724
Full Changelog: 1.6.3...1.6.4