The dynamic model for any N-link soft manpulator is given here by the following Lagrangian form:
where M(.) is the generalized inertia matrix, C(.,.) the Coriolis matrix, G(.) the gravitional forces, N(.,.) a vector of hyper-elastic and visco-elastic contributions, and q(t) the joint variable vector with a particular structure:
The assembly and implicit numerical simulation scheme is build into a MATLAB class called: Model.m
. An example for generating a 8-link soft robot manipulator undergoing free oscillations is given below:
%% generate model class
mdl = Model(8);
%% settings
mdl = mdl.set('Tsim',10);
mdl = mdl.setElements(50);
mdl = mdl.setFrequency(50);
mdl = mdl.setLength(0.03);
%% simulate with non-zero initial conditions
mdl.q0(2:3:end) = 5;
mdl = mdl.simulate;
%% show simulation
for ii = 1:fps(mdl.t,30):length(mdl.t)
figure(102); cla;,:),col(1));
axis equal; axis(0.25*[-0.4 1.25 -1 1 -1 1]);
view(0,0); grid on; box on;
%% generate model class
mdl = Model(4);
%% settings
mdl = mdl.set('Phi0',rotx(pi),'Tsim',15);
mdl = mdl.setElements(60);
mdl = mdl.setFrequency(60);
mdl = mdl.setLength(0.065);
%% set model-based controller (computed torque control, see below)
qd = [0;20;10;0;-20;0;0;0;30;0;-40;0];
mdl = mdl.setControl( @(mdl) Controller(mdl,qd) );
%% simulate with zero initial conditions
mdl = mdl.simulate;
%% show simulation
Qd = [0;20;10;0;-20;0;0;0;30;0;-40;0].';
for ii = 1:fps(mdl.t,12):length(mdl.t)
figure(102); cla;,:),col(1));,col(2));
axis equal; axis(0.2*[-0.75 0.75 -0.75 0.75 -1.5 0.1]);
view(30,30); grid on; box on; drawnow();
%% model-based controller
function tau = Controller(mdl,qd)
Kp = 1e-4*eye(12);
Kd = 5e-5*eye(12);
tau = mdl.G + mdl.K*(mdl.q) - Kp*(mdl.q - qd) - Kd*(mdl.dq);
The nonlinear stifnesses (for both bending and elongation) are given by:
%% set number of links
mdl = Model(8);
%% settings
mdl = mdl.setElements(64);
mdl = mdl.setFrequency(60);
mdl = mdl.setLength(0.04);
%% simulate with hyper-elastic material
mdl = mdl.set('ke',[223.435, 174.051, -45.5521]);
mdl = mdl.set('kb',[0.42292, 0.39552, -0.21293]);
mdl.tau = @(mdl) Controller(mdl);
mdl = mdl.simulate;
Q1 = mdl.q;
%% simulate with hyper-elastic material
mdl = mdl.set('ke',[50,0,0]); % optimized to match hyper-elastic - w = 2pi, A = 0.02;
mdl = mdl.set('kb',[0.09,0,0]); % optimized to match hyper-elastic - w = 2pi, A = 0.02;
mdl.tau = @(mdl) Controller(mdl);
mdl = mdl.simulate;
Q2 = mdl.q;
%% animate soft robot
f = figure(102);
for ii = 1:fps(mdl.t,30):length(mdl.t)
figure(102); cla;
axis equal; axis(0.4*[-1 1 -1 1 -0.75 1.1]);
view(0,0); drawnow;
box on; grid on; set(gca,'linewidth',2.5);
function tau = Controller(mdl)
v = [0;sin(mdl.t);0];
tau = 0.02*[v;zeros((mdl.Nlink-1)*3,1)];