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BMDan committed Apr 17, 2014
1 parent d692036 commit aca4d57
Showing 1 changed file with 364 additions and 0 deletions.
364 changes: 364 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
import os
import sys
import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient
import novaclient.v1_1.client as novaclient
import time
import re
import urllib
import urllib2

# On many of our clouds, the "host" attribute differs from the
# "hypervisor_hostname" attribute in that it lacks the domain part of the FQDN.
# For example, an instance might display the following data:
# host: hv1
# hypervisor_hostname:
# So as to simplify comparison (and work around bugs like the gem located at
#, we fixup the host to equal the hv_hn
# by adding the requisite text.
# If you don't need this, simply set it to "".
hvhn_suffix = ""

# draining_hv is arguably the most important variable. If set to None, then the
# goal of the program is to balance load between HVs. If set to a specific HV,
# then we are trying to evacuate all virts off of that particular host.
#draining_hv = "hv1" + hvhn_suffix
draining_hv = None

# How often to check with the API to see if the instance has returned to an active
# state (in seconds).
live_migration_poll_interval = 5

# How long to wait after the instance shows "active" before we attempt to ping
# it. Strictly speaking, this should only ever need to be zero, but a few seconds
# to make sure everything's kosher never hurt anybody.
sleep_between_hosts_time = 10

# Enable support for pre- and post-move ping tests. If enabled, an unpingable host
# will not be moved, and a host that is unpingable after being moved will cause the
# entire script to halt. The ping API is hilariously simple; the output should be
# the text "yes" in case of success, or anything else otherwise. In our case, we
# put it behind HTTP Basic (i.e. htpasswd) authentication.
ping_is_enabled = False

#### End of configurable parameters ###

if ping_is_enabled:
pingurl_username = os.environ.get('SYSDRAIN_PINGURL_USERNAME')
pingurl_password = os.environ.get('SYSDRAIN_PINGURL_PASSWORD')
pingurl_base = os.environ.get('SYSDRAIN_PINGURL_BASE')

if ( pingurl_base is None ):
print "Undefined variable. You probably need to source '.openstack' before running this program."

if ( pingurl_username is not None and pingurl_password is not None ):
password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_manager.add_password( None, pingurl_base, pingurl_username, pingurl_password )

auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)
url_opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)

os_auth_url = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL')
os_username = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME')
os_password = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD')
os_tenant_name = os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME')

if ( os_auth_url is None or os_username is None or os_password is None or os_tenant_name is None ):
print "Undefined variable. You probably need to source '.openstack' before running this program."

def get_creds( type ):
password_key_name = "password"
if ( type == "nova" ):
password_key_name = "api_key"
tenant_key_name = "tenant_name"
if ( type == "nova" ):
tenant_key_name = "project_id"
os_creds = {}
os_creds['auth_url'] = os_auth_url
os_creds[password_key_name] = os_password
os_creds['username'] = os_username
os_creds[tenant_key_name] = os_tenant_name
return os_creds

def get_nova_creds():
return get_creds( "nova" )

def get_keystone_creds():
return get_creds( "keystone" )

keystone = ksclient.Client( **get_keystone_creds() )

nova = novaclient.Client( **get_nova_creds() )

# A Set of hosts that have been previously moved in a drain operation. We won't attempt to move them again when draining; they're probably bugged somehow if
# they are still on the host we're trying to drain. Note that hosts that get stuck in "MIGRATING" will block the script. Thus, this only handles those that
# return to ACTIVE, but on the original, pre-move host (it's more common than you might guess, sadly).
moved_hosts = set()
# To hard-exclude a particular host from ever moving, add it here, as: moved_hosts.add('some-uuid')

# Main movement loop
while ( True ):
serverlist = nova.servers.list(search_opts={'all_tenants':1})

#print serverlist

hvlist = nova.hypervisors.list()

hvcount = len(hvlist)

if ( hvcount <= 0 ):
print "Too few hypervisors."

hvresources = {}
hvflavorarray = {}

for hv in hvlist:
hvname = hv._info['hypervisor_hostname']
hvresources[hvname] = {}
hvresources[hvname]['ram'] = {'total': 0, 'idbyval': {}}
hvresources[hvname]['vcpus'] = {'total': 0, 'idbyval': {}}
hvresources[hvname]['disk'] = {'total': 0, 'idbyval': {}}
hvresources[hvname]['instances'] = {'total': 0}
hvresources[hvname]['info'] = hv._info.copy()

for server in serverlist:
serverinfo = server._info.copy()

server_name = serverinfo['name']
server_uuid = serverinfo['id']

server_host = serverinfo['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
server_hvhn = serverinfo['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname']

server_status = serverinfo['status']
server_task_state = serverinfo['OS-EXT-STS:task_state']

server_flavor = serverinfo['flavor']['id']

if ( server_status != 'ACTIVE' ):
print "Skipping '" + server_name + "' [" + server_uuid + "] due to non-ACTIVE state (" + server_status + ")."

if ( server_task_state is not None ):
print "Skipping '" + server_name + "' [" + server_uuid + "] due to active task state (" + server_task_state + ")."

if ( server_host + hvhn_suffix != server_hvhn ):
print "Skipping '" + server_name + "' [" + server_uuid + "] due to HVHN<->Host mismatch (" + server_host + " != " + server_hvhn + ")."

flavor = nova.flavors.get(server_flavor)

# print flavor._info.copy()
# {u'name': u'2x4x60', u'links': [{u'href': u'', u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href': u'', u'rel': u'bookmark'}], u'ram': 4096, u'OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled': False, u'vcpus': 2, u'swap': u'', u'os-flavor-access:is_public': True, u'rxtx_factor': 1.0, u'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 0, u'disk': 60, u'id': u'a1b2c3d4-e5f6-a1b2-c3d4-a1b2c3d4e5f6'}

if server_uuid in moved_hosts and draining_hv is not None and draining_hv == server_hvhn:
print server_uuid + " does not appear to have been moved successfully, earlier. This is probably a bug that you want to investigate."

thisram = flavor._info['ram']
hvresources[server_hvhn]['ram']['total'] += thisram
if server_uuid not in moved_hosts:
hvresources[server_hvhn]['ram']['idbyval'][thisram] = server_uuid

thisvcpus = flavor._info['vcpus']
hvresources[server_hvhn]['vcpus']['total'] += thisvcpus
if server_uuid not in moved_hosts:
hvresources[server_hvhn]['vcpus']['idbyval'][thisvcpus] = server_uuid

thisdisk = 0
thisdisk += flavor._info['swap']
except TypeError:
thisdisk += flavor._info['disk']
hvresources[server_hvhn]['disk']['total'] += thisdisk
if server_uuid not in moved_hosts:
hvresources[server_hvhn]['disk']['idbyval'][thisdisk] = server_uuid

hvresources[server_hvhn]['instances']['total'] += 1

# Upon further reflection, we only ever need one of a given size, and
# overwriting doesn't matter, so we just stick it in the appropriate key,
# instead of trying to maintain a list.
#### try:
#### hvresources[server_hvhn]['disk']['idbyval'][thisdisk] is None
#### except KeyError:
#### hvresources[server_hvhn]['disk']['idbyval'][thisdisk] = []
#### hvresources[server_hvhn]['disk']['idbyval'][thisdisk].append(server_uuid)

hvs_pct = {'vcpus': {}, 'ram': {}, 'disk': {}}

hvs_considered = 0
hvs_average = {'instances': 0, 'vcpus': 0, 'vcpuspct': 0, 'ram': 0, 'rampct': 0, 'disk': 0}

formatstr = "{:<28} {:<9} {:>5} {:>8} x {:<5} {:>6} x {:<10}"
print formatstr.format("Hypervisor Hostname", "Virts", "vCPUs", "", "RAMGB", "", "Disk+Swap")
for hv in sorted(hvresources.iterkeys()):
total_vcpus = hvresources[hv]['vcpus']['total']
hvs_average['vcpus'] = ( hvs_average['vcpus'] * hvs_considered + total_vcpus )
pct_vcpus = int(total_vcpus * 100 / hvresources[hv]['info']['vcpus'])
hvs_average['vcpuspct'] = ( hvs_average['vcpuspct'] * hvs_considered + pct_vcpus )
hvs_pct['vcpus'][hv] = pct_vcpus

total_ram = hvresources[hv]['ram']['total']
hvs_average['ram'] = ( hvs_average['ram'] * hvs_considered + total_ram )
pct_ram = int(total_ram * 100 / hvresources[hv]['info']['memory_mb'])
hvs_average['rampct'] = ( hvs_average['rampct'] * hvs_considered + pct_ram )
hvs_pct['ram'][hv] = pct_ram

total_disk = hvresources[hv]['disk']['total']
hvs_average['disk'] = ( hvs_average['disk'] * hvs_considered + total_disk )

total_instances = hvresources[hv]['instances']['total']
hvs_average['instances'] = ( hvs_average['instances'] * hvs_considered + total_instances )

hvs_considered += 1

for hva_type in hvs_average.iterkeys():
hvs_average[hva_type] /= hvs_considered

print formatstr.format(hv + ":", total_instances, total_vcpus, "(" + str(int(total_vcpus * 100 / hvresources[hv]['info']['vcpus'])) + "%)", total_ram / 1024, "(" + str(int(total_ram * 100 / hvresources[hv]['info']['memory_mb'])) + "%)", total_disk )

print formatstr.format( "Averages:", hvs_average['instances'], hvs_average['vcpus'], "(" + str(hvs_average['vcpuspct']) + "%)", hvs_average['ram'] / 1024, "(" + str(hvs_average['rampct']) + "%)", hvs_average['disk'] )

min_val = None
min_val_hv = None
max_val = 0
max_val_hv = None
for hv_name in hvs_pct['ram'].iterkeys():
if ( hvs_pct['ram'][hv_name] > max_val ):
max_val = hvs_pct['ram'][hv_name]
max_val_hv = hv_name
if ( min_val is None or hvs_pct['ram'][hv_name] < min_val ):
if hv_name == draining_hv:
# Want to force a particular destination? if ( hv_name != "myfavoritedsthv" + hvhn_suffix ): continue
min_val = hvs_pct['ram'][hv_name]
min_val_hv = hv_name

if ( min_val is None or min_val_hv is None or max_val_hv is None ):
print "Unable to find any candidates to be moved; did I actually find any HVs at all?"

if ( draining_hv is not None ):
max_val_hv = draining_hv
max_val = None

if ( max_val_hv == min_val_hv ):
print "No good candidates for movement; I'd just move something onto itself!"

if ( max_val is not None ):
target_delta_pct = max_val - hvs_average['rampct']
target_delta_absolute = float(target_delta_pct * hvresources[max_val_hv]['info']['memory_mb'] / 100)

target_delta_absolute_on_min_val_hv = hvresources[min_val_hv]['info']['memory_mb'] - hvresources[min_val_hv]['ram']['total']

# N.b. that this can result in suboptimal behavior (e.g. not moving a VM when we otherwise might want to) when we have
# HVs with wildly differing memory sizes.
# HV 1: 1 *M*B used of 1024 *M*B
# HV 2: 250 GB used of 512 GB
# HV 3: 511 GB used of 512 GB
# The algorithm will choose to try to find a ~511 MB candidate to move, and if not able to find one, will not move anything,
# whereas it's quite likely that we could move some of HV 3's load onto HV 2. Fixing this likely requires getting to this point
# and then dropping back into the loop, above, but with one HV (#1) knocked out of consideration as a target, iff we are unable
# to find any movement candidates (after all, if we can find a 511 MB candidate, we'll then move something bigger off of HV 3
# onto HV 2 the next time we're run).
target_delta_absolute = min( target_delta_absolute, target_delta_absolute_on_min_val_hv )

print "Looking for an opportunity to move up to " + str(target_delta_absolute) + " MB (" + str(target_delta_pct) + "%) of RAM"
elif ( draining_hv is not None ):
print "Aiming to empty out " + draining_hv + "."
print "Something odd is afoot; I'm not sure what I'm trying to do, exactly. Bailing."

current_donor = None
current_donor_size = 0
for candidate_donor_size in hvresources[max_val_hv]['ram']['idbyval'].iterkeys():
if ( current_donor is None or
( candidate_donor_size > current_donor_size and
( draining_hv is not None or candidate_donor_size <= target_delta_absolute ) ) ):
current_donor = hvresources[max_val_hv]['ram']['idbyval'][candidate_donor_size]
current_donor_size = candidate_donor_size

if current_donor is None:
print "I want to move something off of " + max_val_hv + " onto " + min_val_hv + ", but there don't appear to be any candidate instances on the former."

current_donor_name = nova.servers.get(current_donor)._info['name']
print "I would recommend moving " + current_donor + " (" + current_donor_name + ") to " + min_val_hv + " in order to transfer " + str(current_donor_size) + " MB of RAM from " + max_val_hv + "."

# Not perfect, since really we want to escape special characters, but should
# work for most reasonable hvhn names, and this isn't something that a client
# could ever control. If that doesn't apply to your environment, improve
# this!
bare_min_val_hv = re.sub(hvhn_suffix + "$", "", min_val_hv)

# Keep track of the fact that we have tried to move this host, so we don't try again (in draining mode) if it errors out.
if draining_hv is not None:

if ping_is_enabled:
pingurl = pingurl_base + "/ping.php?hostname=" + urllib.quote(current_donor_name)
ping_result = urllib2.urlopen(pingurl).read()
ping_result = "fail"

if ping_result != "yes":
print "Failed to ping " + current_donor_name + " prior to beginning migration."
if draining_hv is not None:
print "Skipping " + current_donor_name + " due to failed pre-migration ping."
print "Attempting migration anyway; disabling post-migration ping check."

nova.servers.live_migrate(server=current_donor, host=bare_min_val_hv, disk_over_commit=False, block_migration=False)

sys.stdout.write('Live migration of ' + current_donor_name + ' commenced. Polling on instance returning to active state.')

while True:
donor_object = nova.servers.get(current_donor)._info
if donor_object['status'] == "ACTIVE":

if donor_object['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname'] == min_val_hv:
print " Migration complete!"
print " Error(s) encountered, instance not moved successfully."

# Let the migration settle a bit before looping again.
# Courtesy of
sys.stdout.write("Pausing " + str(sleep_between_hosts_time) + " seconds to let HVs settle: ")
sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * sleep_between_hosts_time))
sys.stdout.write("\b" * (sleep_between_hosts_time+1)) # return to start of line, after '['

for i in xrange(sleep_between_hosts_time):
# update the bar


if ping_is_enabled and ping_result == "yes":
ping_result = urllib2.urlopen(pingurl).read()
ping_result = "fail"

if ping_result != "yes":
print "EMERGENCY! " + current_donor_name + " is not pingable post-migration. Stopping script. FIX THIS!"
#TODO: Make this die even more loudly. (Email? Growl notification?)
print "Non-destructive operation confirmed; " + current_donor_name + " is still pingable."

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