- Clone the Github Repo.
- Run in the terminal the following:
npm install
- To start the server in development mode run:
npm run dev
but before that you need to update your .env file.
NODE_ENV - environment, development by default
PORT - port
DB_PATH - connection string for MongoDB
GEOCODER_PROVIDER - map provider (mapquest for this app)
GEOCODER_API_KEY - geocoder api key (read below how to use)
JWT_SECRET - jsonwebtoken secret
SMTP_HOST - mail host (read below how to use)
SMTP_PORT - mail port, default 2525
SMTP_USERNAME - mail username
SMTP_PASSWORD - mail password
FROM_EMAIL - email sender email (free text)
FROM_NAME - email sender name (free text)
- Mapquest.
- Go to Mapquest and create your free acount.
- navigate to ManageKeys, expand My Application and get Consumer Key value, this is your GEOCODER_API_KEY.
- MailTrap
MailTrap can be replaced with any other mail provider, but it is a good choice for this example API.
- Go to MailTrap and create your free acount.
- you will be redirected to My Inbox and under the tab SMTP Settings you can see Integrations dropdown menu. Select Nodemailer and you will have your credentials ready to be copied.
- if sending mail with Postman, you can use any mail in the body and you will receive the mail in mailtrap.
For the supported routes you can use, simply open the api.html file in the browser.
Supported authentication methods are jwt token in the header and cookies. Comment out the one you don't need.
Install eslint and prettier as VS Code extensions.