Really just a listing of ongoing and proposed projects and ideas waiting to get off the ground. For current projects, see this slideshow
Project | Description | Collaborators | Status |
Green roofs as novel ecosystems | Can we improve metrics for measuring ecosystem services in green roofs, to be applied to planning? | Reid Coffman, KSU Architecture | We got a seed grant from ESDRI at Kent State! Also, our grad student, Katie Manning, starts Fall 2018! |
Coupled human natural systems- the case of grazing in rural communities in South Africa | Can we build a model to describe and predict the feedbacks between human decision making, environmental quality, and policy/resource manipulations in food insecure and poor rural communities? How Bayesian is it going to be? | David Ward, KSU and Lori Hunter, CSU | awaiting a champion |
Functional responses in invertebrate predators of vertebrates | Examine factors affecting predator functional response in a co-evolved tropical aphibian-calliphorid fly system | Nancy Karraker, University of RI | Brainstorming underway for grant submission to NSF DEB in late 2018 |
Ecotourism as an engine for ecological discovery | Can we use ecosystem observations collected by ecotourist citizen scientists to generate data and hypotheses about critical ecosystems? | Anyone and everywhere | Seeking appropriate funding sources, student champion |
FoSTER! Biodiversity in Cuyhoga Valley NP | Observing above-ground processes in restored mine sites | Chris Blackwood, Anne Jefferson, Kent State University | Seed money obtained! Student @cheyankpace started. Things are happening! |
Microclimate and scale | Following BioSCAN: what scale of measurement matters in understanding microclimate drivers of biodiversity? | Terry McGlynn, Cal State Dominguez Hills | Awaiting a champion |
BioSCAN | An examination of biodiversity in Los Angeles backyards | Terry McGlynn, Cal State Dominguez Hills | In revision |
Phenology, climate change and invasions | Will climate change exacerbate the impacts of invaders on communities of functionally similar native species? | Doug Landis, Michigan State University | Awaiting a champion- need to recruit a student |
The Bad Breakup Project | Our conclusions often depend on when we sample a system. And how long we watch a system. this project aims to find out how we can optimize time series analyses for more robust conclusions across ecological domains. | Kaitlin Stack Whitney, RIT | FUNDED BY NSF! |
The Monarch Regime project | A new tool for detecting changes in dynamic rules in population time series data | Elise Zipkin, Michigan State University | Final manuscript submitted, in revision |