Simple Exporter is an easy report library that generate reports (Excel, CSV, PDF, etc) from any IEnumerable datasource. Simple Exporter allows defining the structure of the reports from a simple JSON or a dotnet object.
This project started with the source from DoddleReport. It was a good project to start from.
SimpleExporter is installed from NuGet.
Install-Package SimpleExporter
Install-Package SimpleExporter.Writer.XlsxReportWriter
Install-Package SimpleExporter.Writer.PdfReportWriter
Report Definition (JSON):
"cultureName": "es-AR",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "Title"
"type": "Table",
"dataSourceId": "datasource",
"columns": [
"field": "Name",
"title": "Nombre"
"field": "Description",
"title": "Descripción"
"field": "Price",
"title": "Precio",
"FormatSpecifier": "C"
"writersSettings": {
"delimitedTextReportWriter": {
"delimiter": ";"
"xlsxReportWriter": {
"formatTranslators": [
"from": "C",
"to": "$###,###,##0.00"
Export to txt and xlsx:
public static void Export()
var query = ProductRepository.GetAll();
var reportDataSource = query.ToReportDataSource("Products");
var reportDefinition = ReportDefinition.FromJson(GetResourceTextFile("reportDefinition.json"));
var report = SimpleExporter.CreateReport(reportDefinition, reportDataSource);
using (var fs = File.Create("Sample1.csv"))
var writer = new DelimitedTextReportWriter();
report.WriteReport(fs, writer);
Console.WriteLine("(CSV) Sample 1 created: {0}", fs.Name);
using (var fs = File.Create("Sample1.xlsx"))
var writer = new XlsxReportWriter();
report.WriteReport(fs, writer);
Console.WriteLine("(Xlsx) Sample 1 created: {0}", fs.Name);
using (var fs = File.Create("Sample1.pdf"))
var writer = new PdfReportWriter();
report.WriteReport(fs, writer);
Console.WriteLine("(PDF) Sample 1 created: {0}", fs.Name);