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🚧 ⌛Start designing Topology to represent whole Model.
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iago-lito committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 0635cba commit 32e1e6d
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Showing 7 changed files with 335 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ using .AliasingDicts
using .MultiplexApi

# Types to represent the model under a pure topological perspective.
include("./topology.jl") # Will be part of the internals after their refactoring.

# "Inner" parts: legacy internals.

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Internals/Internals.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ const Option{T} = Union{Nothing,T}
# Since parts of the API is being extracted out of this module to survive,
# authorize using it here.
using ..EcologicalNetworksDynamics
const Topology = EcologicalNetworksDynamics.Topology # Part of future refactoring here.
const equal_fields = EcologicalNetworksDynamics.equal_fields

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Internals/model/model_parameters.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ mutable struct ModelParameters
biorates::BioRates # (this one does but all values are initially 'nothing' inside)
topology::Topology # This will actually be part of the future refactoring.
# Since 'foodweb' is still a mandatory input to construct interaction layers,
# keep this artificial reference to it to make the system/components API work
# until we refactor all the internals.
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/components/foodweb_graph.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Wrap a SimpleDiGraph into a custom type indexed by stable labels
# to represent either a foodweb or its biomass-foodweb restriction.
# HERE: rather a whole model graph with all nodes/edges layers,
# and make this only a view into it.

Representation of a restriction of the graph model
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Expand Up @@ -139,10 +139,13 @@ end
# ==========================================================================================
# Check/expand full layer components.

has_nontrophic_layers(model) = isa MultiplexNetwork
export has_nontrophic_layers

# The application procedure differs
# whether the NTI layer is the first to be set or not.
function set_layer!(model, interaction, layer)
if isa Internals.FoodWeb
if !has_nontrophic_layers(model)
# First NTI component to be added.
# Switch from plain foodweb to a multiplex network.
S = model.richness
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/methods/graphs.jl
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@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# Retrieve underlying model topology.
@expose_data graph begin
property(topology, model_graph)
ref(m -> m.topology)
get(m -> deepcopy(m.topology))

restrict_to_live!(g::TrophicGraph, biomasses; threshold = 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,3 +125,34 @@ function starving_consumers(graph::TrophicGraph)
export starving_consumers

# ==========================================================================================
# Expose as checked model methods.

function biomass_foodweb(
threshold = 0,
warn_nontrophic_links = true,
g = m.trophic_graph
if warn_nontrophic_links && has_nontrophic_layers(m)
@warn "Restricting ecological model to only a trophic graph \
with extinct species nodes removed \
may yield inconsistent expectations regarding \
the meaning of remaining non-trophic interactions."
restrict_to_live!(g, biomasses; threshold)
@method biomass_foodweb depends(Foodweb)

function disconnected_components(m::InnerParms, biomasses; threshold = 0)
g = biomass(m, biomasses; threshold)
# HERE: this raises too many complications
# just because non-trophic interactions
# are not represented by the trophic graph.
# Make the trophic graph a simple view into the whole model topology,
# reified as a true `ModelGraph` type,
# with proper layers for nodes and edges.
# Drop Graphs.jl in this respect: only locally useful for very particular algorithms.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions src/topology.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
module Topologies

argerr(mess) = throw(ArgumentError(mess))

# Mark removed nodes.
struct Tombstone end

Values of this type are constructed from a model value,
to represent its pure topology:
- Nodes identity and types: species, nutrients, patches..
- Edges types: trophic interaction, non-trophic interactions, migrations..
They are supposed not to be mutated,
as they carry faithful topological information reflecting the model
at the moment it has been extracted from it.
Nodes and edge information can be queried from it using labels or indices.
They *may* be removed to represent *e.g.* species extinction,
and study topological consequences or removing them.
But the indices and labels remain stable,
always consistent with their indices from the model value when extracted.
As a consequence, every node (at least) in the topology
can be queried for having been 'removed' or not: tombstones remain.
No tombstone remain for edges: once removed, there is no trace left of them.
struct Topology
# List/index possible types for nodes and edges.
# List nodes and their associated types.
# Sorted are *sorted by type*:
# so all nodes of the same type are stored contiguously in this array.
nodes_types::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # {type -> (start, end) of nodes with this type}
# Topological information: paired, layered adjacency lists.
# [node: [edgetype: [nodeid]]]
# ^--------------------------^- : Adjacency list: one entry per node 'N'.
# ^-------------------^- : Tombstone (removed node) or one entry per edge type.
# ^--------^- : One entry per neighbour of 'N': its index.
# Cached redundant information.
n_edges::Vector{Int} # Per edge type.
n_nodes::Vector{Int} # Per node type, not counting tombstones.
Topology() = new([], Dict(), [], Dict(), [], Dict(), [], [], [], [])
export Topology

# Construction primitives.

# Only push whole slices of nodes of a new type at once.
function push_nodes!(top::Topology, labels, type::Symbol)
haskey(top.node_types_index, type) &&
argerr("Node type :$type has already been pushed.")
haskey(top.edge_types_index, type) &&
argerr("Node type :$type could be confused with edge type :$type.")
push!(top.node_types_labels, type)
top.node_types_index[type] = length(top.node_types_labels)
n_before = length(top.nodes_labels)
nl = top.nodes_labels
for lab::Symbol in labels
haskey(nl, lab) && argerr("Label :$lab was already given \
to a node of type :$(node_type(top, lab)).")
push!(nl, lab)
top.nodes_index[lab] = length(nl)
for adj in (top.outgoing, top.incoming)
push!(adj, Vector{Vector{Int}}())
n_after = length(nl)
push!(top.nodes_types, n_before+1:n_after)
export push_nodes!

function new_edge_type!(top::Topology, type::Symbol)
haskey(top.edge_types_index, type) && argerr("Edge type :$type has already been added.")
haskey(top.node_types_index, type) &&
argerr("Edge type :$type would be confused with node type :$type.")
push!(top.edge_types_labels, type)
top.edge_types_index[type] = length(top.edge_types_labels)
for adj in (top.outgoing, top.incoming)
for node in adj
node isa Tombstone && continue
push!(node, [])
push!(top.n_edges, 0)
export new_edge_type!

# Basic unchecked queries.
# (ref-leaking methods are still _protected)

const imap =
const ifilter = Iterators.filter
idmap(x) = imap(identity, x) # Useful to not leak refs to private collections.

# Information about types.
n_node_types(top::Topology) = length(top.node_types_labels)
n_edge_types(top::Topology) = length(top.edge_types_labels)
node_type_label(top::Topology, i::Int) = top.node_types_labels[i]
node_type_index(top::Topology, lab::Symbol) = top.node_types_index[lab]
node_type_label(::Topology, lab::Symbol) = lab
node_type_index(::Topology, i::Int) = i
edge_type_label(top::Topology, i::Int) = top.edge_types_labels[i]
edge_type_index(top::Topology, lab::Symbol) = top.edge_types_index[lab]
edge_type_label(::Topology, lab::Symbol) = lab
edge_type_index(::Topology, i::Int) = i
node_types(top::Topology) = idmap(identity, top.node_types_labels)
edge_types(top::Topology) = idmap(identity, top.edge_types_labels)

# General information about nodes.
n_nodes(top::Topology, type) = top.n_nodes[node_type_index(type)]
n_nodes_and_removed(top::Topology, type) = length(top.nodes_types[node_type_index(type)])
nodes_indices(top::Topology, type) = top.nodes_types[node_type_index(type)] # Okay to leak: immutable.
_nodes_labels(top::Topology, type) = top.nodes_labels[nodes_indices(top, type)]
node_labels(top::Topology, type) = idmap(identity, _nodes_labels(top, type))

# Particular information about nodes.
node_label(top::Topology, i::Int) = top.nodes_labels[i]
node_index(top::Topology, label::Symbol) = top.nodes_index[label]
node_label(::Topology, lab::Symbol) = lab
node_index(::Topology, i::Int) = i
node_type_index(top::Topology, id) =
findfirst(range -> node_index(top, id) in range, top.nodes_types)
node_type(top::Topology, id) = node_type_label(node_type_index(top, id))

# Information about edges.
n_edges(top::Topology, type) = top.n_edges[edge_type_index(type)]

# Direct neighbourhood when querying particular edge type.
# (assuming target is not a tombstone)
function _outgoing_indices(top::Topology, node, edge_type)
i_type = edge_type_index(top, edge_type)
_outgoing_indices(top, node)[i_type]
function _incoming_indices(top::Topology, node, edge_type)
i_type = edge_type_index(top, edge_type)
_incoming_indices(top, node)[i_type]
outgoing_indices(top::Topology, node, type) = idmap(_outgoing_indices(top, node, type))
incoming_indices(top::Topology, node, type) = idmap(_incoming_indices(top, node, type))
outgoing_labels(top::Topology, node, type) =
imap(i -> top.nodes_labels[i], _outgoing_indices(top, node, type))
incoming_labels(top::Topology, node, type) =
imap(i -> top.nodes_labels[i], _incoming_indices(top, node, type))

# Direct neighbourhood: return twolevel iterator:
# first iterate on edge types, then neighbours.
# (assuming target is not a tombstone)
function _outgoing_indices(top::Topology, node)
i_node = node_index(top, node)
function _incoming_indices(top::Topology, node)
i_node = node_index(top, node)
outgoing_indices(top::Topology, node) = imap(
(i_edge_type, _neighbours) -> (i_edge_type, idmap(_neighbours)),
enumerate(_outgoing_indices(top, node)),
incoming_indices(top::Topology, node) = imap(
(i_edge_type, _neighbours) -> (i_edge_type, idmap(_neighbours)),
enumerate(_incoming_indices(top, node)),
outgoing_labels(top::Topology, node) = imap(
(i_edge, _neighbours) -> (
imap(i_node -> top.nodes_labels[i_node], _neighbours),
enumerate(_outgoing_indices(top, node)),
incoming_labels(top::Topology, node) = imap(
(i_edge, _neighbours) -> (
imap(i_node -> top.nodes_labels[i_node], _neighbours),
enumerate(_incoming_indices(top, node)),

# Filter adjacency iterators given one particular edge type.
# Also return twolevel iterators: focal node, then its neighbours.
function _outgoing_edges_indices(top::Topology, edge_type)
i_type = edge_type_index(top, edge_type)
imap(ifilter(enumerate(top.outgoing)) do (_, node)
!(node isa Tombstone)
end) do (i, _neighbours)
(i, _neighbours[i_type])
function _incoming_edges_indices(top::Topology, edge_type)
i_type = edge_type_index(top, edge_type)
imap(ifilter(enumerate(top.incoming)) do (_, node)
!(node isa Tombstone)
end) do (i, _neighbours)
(i, _neighbours[i_type])
outgoing_edges_indices(top::Topology, edge_type) = imap(
(i_node, _neighbours) -> (i_node, idmap(_neighbours)),
_outgoing_edges_indices(top, edge_type),
incoming_edges_indices(top::Topology, edge_type) = imap(
(i_node, _neighbours) -> (i_node, idmap(_neighbours)),
_incoming_edges_indices(top, edge_type),
outgoing_edges_labels(top::Topology, edge_type) = imap(
(i_node, _neighbours) ->
(node_label(top, i_node), idmap(i -> node_label(top, i), _neighbours)),
_outgoing_edges_indices(top, edge_type),
incoming_edges_labels(top::Topology, edge_type) = imap(
(i_node, _neighbours) ->
(node_label(top, i_node), idmap(i -> node_label(top, i), _neighbours)),
_incoming_edges_indices(top, edge_type),

# Display.

function, top::Topology)
nnt = n_node_types(top)
net = new_edge_type!(top)
s = n -> n > 1 ? "s" : ""
"Topology for $nnt node type$(s(nnt)) \
and $net edge type$s(net):\n",
tombs = [] # Collect removed nodes to display at the end.
for (i_type, type) in enumerate(node_types(top))
tomb = []
push!(tombs, tomb)
print(io, " Nodes '$type':")
empty = true
for node in _nodes_labels(i_type)
if node isa Tombstone
push!(tomb, node)
print(io, " :$node")
empty = false
if empty
print(io, " <none>")
for (i_type, type) in enumerate(edge_types(top))
print(io, " Edges of type '$type':")
empty = true
for (i_source, _neighbours) in _outgoing_edges_indices(top, i_type)
isempty(_neighbours) && continue
source = node_label(top, i_source)
print(io, " $source:")
for target in _neighbours
print(io, " :$target")
empty = false
if empty
print(io, " <none>")


# ==========================================================================================
using .Topologies
top = Topology()
push_nodes!(top, Symbol.(collect("abc")), :species)
new_edge_type!(top, :trophic)
top # HERE: debug all the above at least until displaying works.

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