This is the Full Duplex VirtIO (ICCom compatible) driver.
It is located between ICCom on top and the transport layers at the bottom.
| ICCom |
|---------------------| <--- Full Duplex Symmetrical Transport IF
| *Fdvio* |
|---------------------| <--- The Rpmsg IF
| Rpmsg |
| VirtIO |
shared memory
So, the Fdvio driver provides the Full Duplex Symmetrical Transport Interface to the ICCom, and uses the Rpmsg IF to implement the transport functionality.
Fdvio allows the ICCom stack to be used on top of the shared memory transports, while retaining the ICCom capabilty to work on top of, say, SPI bus using the SymSPI drivers.
To copy the file from docker using cat command:
# Copy Linux x86 config to host
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat fdvio /repos/linux_x86/.config > ./vm/linux-config/x86.config
# Copy Linux ARM config to host
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat fdvio /repos/linux_arm/.config > ./vm/linux-config/arm.config
NOTE: Linux kernels are configued to be with debug symbols.
NOTE: GDB is available in docker
start the docker
docker run -it fdvio
inside the image
cd /repos/linux_x86 && gdb vmlinux
- do your changes using something like:
docker run -it fdvio` or similar
- find the corresponding container id (list last container id):
docker ps -l
- commit your changes from container to the image:
docker commit <container_id> fdvio