title={APNN-TC: Accelerating Arbitrary Precision Neural Networks on Ampere GPU Tensor Cores},
author={Boyuan Feng, Yuke Wang, Tong Geng, Ang Li, Yufei Ding.},
booktitle={The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. (SC'21)},
git clone --recursive [email protected]:BoyuanFeng/APNN-TC.git
cd APNN-TC-kernel && git checkout main
in case of missing --recursive
during the clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
Ubuntu 16.04+
gcc >= 7.5
make >= 4.2.1
CUDA >= 11.0
cuDNN == 8.2
: our APNN-TC GEMM and CONV kernels with different bit combinations.APNN-TC/
: our APNN-TC NN low-bit model (AlextNet, VGG-variant, ResNet18) withw1a2
for demonstration.cutlass/
: CUTLASS header and source files.cutlass_kernel/
: CUTLASS baselines GEMM and CONV kernels, including INT4 and INT1.cutlass_nn/
: CUTLASS baselines NN models, including FP32, FP16, and INT8.
- Install NVIDIA Docker.
curl https://get.docker.com | sh \
&& sudo systemctl --now enable docker
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
&& curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add - \
&& curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
sudo systemctl restart docker
- Build and Launch Docker.
cd Docker/
or pull docker image from docker hub and launch.
docker pull happy233/apnn-tc:main
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $(PWD):/apnn-tc happy233/apnn-tc:main /bin/bash
cd APNN-TC-kernel && make
- Run
. Note thatw1a2
means 1-bit weight and 2-bit activation. - Run
Note that
- for GEMM kernel, we profile the GEMM shape as
[M, N, K]
as[64, N, K]
, whereN=K=[128,256,384,...,1024]
.- for CONV kernel, we profile the CONV shape with on feature map with
[H, W] = [16,16]
and the kernel size is[O, C, K, K] = [O, C, 3, 3]
, whereO=C=[128,256,384,...,1024]
is forw1a4
inIN=COUT=[128,..., 640]
is forw1a4
is forw2a2
inIN=COUT=[128,..., 640]
is forw2a2
cd bench_cutlass/
make all
- Select the precision (
) of CUTLASS, opencutlass_kernel/bench_gemm.cu
and comment out other unused bitwidth (default 4-bit).
// #define BIT_WIDTH 1
#define BIT_WIDTH 4
cd bench_cutlass/
make all
- Select the precision (
) of CUTLASS, opencutlass_kernel/bench_conv.cu
and comment out other unused bitwidth (default 4-bit).
// #define BIT_WIDTH 1
#define BIT_WIDTH 4
- Build and run the network with
APNN (Table-2). cd APNN-TC && make
to run alexnet withw1a2
to run VGG-variant inw1a2
to run ResNet18 inw1a2
- Build and run CUTLASS baseline.
- Run
cd cutlass_baselines && make
- Select the precision (FP32, FP16, INT8) of CUTLASS,
cd cutlass_nn/src/config.h
and comment out other two unused bitwidth.
#define BIT_WIDTH 32
// #define BIT_WIDTH 16
// #define BIT_WIDTH 8
- Run
to run AlexNet in (FP32, FP16, INT8). - Run
to run VGG-variant in (FP32, FP16, INT8). - Run
to run ResNet18 in (FP32, FP16, INT8).
- cutlass-GEMM-int4
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 128, K: 128, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 0.35
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 256, K: 256, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 1.14
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 384, K: 384, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 2.21
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 512, K: 512, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 3.43
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 640, K: 640, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 4.77
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 768, K: 768, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 6.20
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 896, K: 896, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 7.67
CUTLASS-GEMM (4-bit). M: 64, N: 1024, K: 1024, Time (ms): 0.01, TOPS: 9.18
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 128, K_GLOBAL: 128, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.004708 ms, TOPS: 0.45
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 256, K_GLOBAL: 256, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.004964 ms, TOPS: 1.69
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 384, K_GLOBAL: 384, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.005370 ms, TOPS: 3.52
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 512, K_GLOBAL: 512, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.005512 ms, TOPS: 6.09
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 640, K_GLOBAL: 640, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.006140 ms, TOPS: 8.54
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 768, K_GLOBAL: 768, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.006171 ms, TOPS: 12.23
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 896, K_GLOBAL: 896, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.006805 ms, TOPS: 15.10
V30, 64x64. M_GLOBAL: 64, N_GLOBAL: 1024, K_GLOBAL: 1024, X_BIT: 2, W_BIT: 1, Time: 0.007194 ms, TOPS: 18.66
- cutlass-CONV-int4
Precision, Layer, N, H, W, C, K, R, S, Runtime, TFLOPs
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_1, 1, 16, 16, 128, 128, 3, 3, 0.0144896, 5.21046
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_2, 1, 16, 16, 256, 256, 3, 3, 0.02304, 13.1072
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_3, 1, 16, 16, 384, 384, 3, 3, 0.031592, 21.5079
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_4, 1, 16, 16, 512, 512, 3, 3, 0.0401408, 30.0931
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_5, 1, 16, 16, 640, 640, 3, 3, 0.04864, 38.8042
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_6, 1, 16, 16, 768, 768, 3, 3, 0.0572416, 47.4814
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_7, 1, 16, 16, 896, 896, 3, 3, 0.065792, 56.2284
BIT_WIDTH-4, conv_8, 1, 16, 16, 1024, 1024, 3, 3, 0.0743424, 64.9944
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 128, COUT: 128, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.006213 ms, TOPS: 12.15
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 256, COUT: 256, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.008126 ms, TOPS: 37.16
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 384, COUT: 384, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.010251 ms, TOPS: 66.29
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 512, COUT: 512, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.010370 ms, TOPS: 116.48
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 640, COUT: 640, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.013166 ms, TOPS: 143.35
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 768, COUT: 768, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.024899 ms, TOPS: 109.16
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 896, COUT: 896, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.028499 ms, TOPS: 129.81
H: 16, W: 16, CIN: 1024, COUT: 1024, W_BIT: 1, X_BIT: 2, Time: 0.025389 ms, TOPS: 190.31
- Here we demonstrate an example with
AlexNet(ms) | VGG(ms) | |
cutlass-32 | 4.26 | 25.22 |
cutlass-16 | 3.79 | 24.19 |
APNN-TC-w1a2 | 0.36 | 1.66 |
Speedup (FP32) | 11.71x | 15.24x |
Speedup (FP16) | 10.40x | 14.62x |
- In the CUTLASS NN model with small batch (e.g,, 8), INT8 is not as fast as FP32 and FP16. This is because of small overall computation under the small batch cases. While for larger batch (e.g., 256) with more computations, INT8 would demonstrate its advantage for high throughput.
CUTLASS-VGG-variant-b256 (ms) FP32 628.254 FP16 540.707 INT8 368.626
- Compared with the results in our paper (at the time of submission), we found that both the CUTLASS and APNN-TC performance has improved significantly, while the overall speedup trend is similar. We will revise our paper with the improved design latency performance in the final version of our paper.
cd bnn_baseline
Current | Table-2 | |
AlexNet | 0.631 | 0.69 |
VGG | 2.233 | 2.17 |
ResNet | 0.733 | 0.68 |
Note that for the BNN-based NN model we use in our paper submission, we adopt the design from this TCBNN (from TPDS-20) for the state-of-the-art BNN implementation on GPU tensor core, which can match the number in the Table-2.
- We update our NN model source and enable the layer-wise latency breakdown.
cd APNN-TC-nn/
- Example output for
Conv1, 224, 224, 3, 64, 11, 11
Conv2, 28, 28, 64, 192, 5, 5
Conv3, 14, 14, 192, 384, 3, 3
Conv4, 14, 14, 384, 256, 3, 3
Conv5, 14, 14, 256, 256, 3, 3
Fc1, 12544, 4096
Fc2, 4096, 4096
Fout, 4096, 1000
AlexNet (ms): 0.372
AlexNet Layer-0 (ms): 0.241
AlexNet Layer-1 (ms): 0.018
AlexNet Layer-2 (ms): 0.003
AlexNet Layer-3 (ms): 0.046
AlexNet Layer-4 (ms): 0.023
AlexNet Layer-5 (ms): 0.010
AlexNet Layer-6 (ms): 0.007
AlexNet Layer-7 (ms): 0.009