Lazy is a simple implementation of a lazy loading wrapper for any type of value.
Simply install to your roblox-ts project as follows:
npm i @rbxts/lazy
Wally users can install this package by adding the following line to their Wally.toml
under [dependencies]
Lazy = "bytebit/[email protected]"
Then just run wally install
Model files are uploaded to every release as .rbxmx
files. You can download the file from the Releases page and load it into your project however you see fit.
New versions of the asset are uploaded with every release. The asset can be added to your Roblox Inventory and then inserted into your Place via Toolbox by getting it here.
Documentation can be found here, is included in the TypeScript files directly, and was generated using TypeDoc.
In this example, the Lazy class will be used to wait to load a reference to something in the world named the Objective, and it will do so by waiting for a RemoteEvent to be fired from the server saying it is ready.
roblox-ts example
import { ILazy, Lazy } from "@rbxts/lazy";
import { ReplicatedService } from "@rbxts/services";
type Objective = {}; // some type for the objective
declare const loadObjective: () => Objective; // some function that loads the objective and returns it
export class ObjectiveLoader {
private objectiveLazyLoader: ILazy<Objective>;
public constructor() {
this.objectiveLazyLoader = new Lazy(loadObjective);
private waitForServerToSayObjectiveIsReady() {
const remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage.WaitForChild("ObjectiveReadiedRemoteEvent");
remoteEvent.OnClientEvent.Connect(() => {
Luau example
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Lazy = require(["lazy"]).Lazy
function loadObjective()
-- some function that loads the objective and returns it
local ObjectiveLoader = {}
ObjectiveLoader.__index = ObjectiveLoader
function new()
local self = {}
setmetatable(self, ObjectiveLoader)
self._objectiveLazyLoader =
return self
function _waitForServerToSayObjectiveIsReady(self)
local remoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ObjectiveReadiedRemoteEvent")
return {
new = new