##Face It ###Anna Freud Design Sprint
####Prototype developed by @daymos, @heatherlauren, @emmadeacon and @jakubsvihla ####MVP developed by @daymos, @heatherlauren, @matthewiiv and @RichAWarren
- Android 4.4 "KitKat" and above.
navigate to this page with your mobile phone and click here
The online version of the app is available here. Should you experience any bugs, please open an issue in the repo.
from your terminal run the following:
git clone https://github.com/CYPIAPT-LNDSE/afSimonStewart.git faceit
cd faceit
open index.html
if open index.html
doesnt work just double click on index.html
In the terminal in the root folder: (you must have all cordova dependancies installed globally)
cordova create cordova test.test.test
navigate to cordova/www and remove index.html then from project's root directory:
cd cordova
//with an emulator
cordova emulate android -target=android-19
//with a device attached (need debug mode on)
cordova run android -device
To create different cordova platform, that allows you to run the app on the browser or different emulated version of android do:
cd cordova
cordova add platform (here teh platform example:) browser
now you can run
cordova run browser
This project is a game designed for young people with ASD to practice recognising emotions. A user is shown a face and asked to identify the emotion it's displaying. Their choice is then compared to that made by the Microsoft Facial Emotion API. The game is inspired by emotion recognition games that are currently used with children with ASD in schools. However, we feel the app would be an improvement on several fronts:
- The image set can potentially be far larger, meaning users aren't simply memorising the correct answer for individual faces on repeated play.
- Data tracking would allow users to track their personal results, as well as the overall effectiveness of the game to be measured.
- By comparing the user's results to an API rather than that of an authority figure like a teacher, we hope to instil more respect for the user's choices.
##Tech Stack
This is an hybrid no-backend Cordova app. The stack includes Handlebars, Bootstrap, pouchDB, couchDB, jQuery, and D3.