Shell written in C
To see other available target, use make help
The goal is to make a POSIX compliant shell
- shell repl in ncurses
- execute binaries on system
- CTRL+A (Move to beginning of line)
- CTRL+B (Move the cursor backwards)
- CTRL+D (Quit)
- CTRL+E (Move to end of line)
- CTRL+F (Move the cursor forewards)
- CTRL+K (Cut everything after cursor)
- CTRL+L (Clear, keeping current command)
- CTRL+U (Cut everything before cursor)
- CTRL+Y (Paste cutted content)
- CTRL+R (Reverse search command history)
- exit
- cd
- history
- :
- echo
- env
- eval
- kill
- setenv
- unsetenv
- setpath
- printenv
- repeat
- termname
- time
- where
- which
- pwd
- alias