- Do not abuse for filling commit blocks - mostly important, Do meaningful commit
- Upload my study log at Notion, and do not commit for this
- The name of files and folder should be English as well as README.md, but study log on Notion can be Korean
- Write down clearly so that I can understand directly when I see next time
- Algorithm
- Artificial Intelligence
- Architecture
- Automatic Control System
- Data Engineering
- Data Mining
- Data Structure
- Database
- Information Retrieval
- Multimedia System
- Network
- Network Control System
- OS
- Testing
- Visual System and Psychophysics of Vision
- Web Crawling
- AI ethics
- AI Study
- Machine Learning Algorithm
- Transfer Learning
Data Mining // terms
- Camera
- Camera Interface
- Color
- Image Processing
- TV
- Loss-less Compression
- Lossy Compression
- Computer Vision
OS // terms
- Introduction
- Operating System Structure
- Process
- Threads
- Synchronize
- [Main Memory[(https://ksrok.tistory.com/entry/%EC%9A%B4%EC%98%81%EC%B2%B4%EC%A0%9C9-%EB%A9%94%EC%9D%B8-%EB%A9%94%EB%AA%A8%EB%A6%AC)
- I/O System
- File System internals
- Virtual Machine
- Windows 10-1
- Software Testing Introduction
- Software Testing Theory
- Software Lifecylce and Test
- Requirements based testing
- Unit Testing
- Cutting-edge Techniques
- Grey box testing