##Introduction The Leap2A Technical Specification is hosted and maintained on GitHub by Cetis LLP. Other specification repositories hosted by Cetis include xcri and hear.
##Where to start The index page is the best place to start. If you would rather read a html version of this repository you can access one at http://cetis.github.io/leap2a/, this is generated by the gh-pages branch of this repository and may not be as up to date as the main branch.
##Getting Involved The simplest way of contributing to this standard is as follows add an issue to the issue tracker.
- The master branch is the current version of the standard
- To make a small or cosmetic edit to master branch, save it to your own branch or repository and make a pull request. You can fork the whole repository and work in your own repository. You are welcome to use the issue tracker to report what you are working on. Create a pull request when done
- Any new versions of the specification will be developed in version branches
- Edits to development branches are done in the same manner, fork the repository, work on the required branch, create an issue and make a pull request when done.
- When a version branch is complete it will be merged in to the master branch.