Langauge: Javascript
Frameworks: ReactJS, Redux, Express, Sequelize
Future features: Google API, Reviews, a completed hosting management, and Profile page. Current features: Places, Booking
Components in use Places,Bookings,Session
Database schema. NOTE: Reviews was never implemented and is a planned feature. Spots was renamed Place.
This project is a clone of Airbnb with a boring twist. Currently the website allows for places to be listed,edited,and deleted and bookings to be created and deleted.
Instructions for localhost.
- Pull from this github.
- run npm install on /frontend and /backend
- ensure postgresql is running and setup the configs
- run in terminal db:create --> db:migrate --> db:seed:all (this process may fail. please drop db in the event of failure and redo.)
- have a terminal for both frontend and backend and run npm start
- A browser should pop up with the corresponding localhost port
Future features: Google API, Reviews, a completed hosting management, search function, and profile page.