to my dotfiles! Here are some details about my setup
- Awesomewm
- Jonaburg Forked Picom
- SF Pro Display
- SFMono Nerd Font
- Sofia Pro
- Wezterm
- Nemo
- Spotify
- Chrome
- Hilbish
- Playerctl widget, layout
- Create animation for aweosmeWM
- An improved method of resizing clients in the tiled layout, and maded by javacafe01
install awesomewm
For arch users
yay -S awesome-git
install softwares
For arch users
yay -S playerctl-git picom-jonaburg-git pavucontrol pulseaudio-ctl rofi wezterm hilbish x11-emoji-picker-git
For all users
install themes
install fonts
install my dotfiles
git clone --recurse-submodules cd dotfiles mv config/* ~/.config/
add spicetify colorschemes(optional)
- install spicetify-cli and themes
yay -S spicetify-cli-git spicetify-themes-git sudo chmod a+wr /opt/spotify sudo chmod a+wr /opt/spotify/Apps -R
- add colorschemes
sudo cp color.ini ~/usr/share/spicetify/Themes/Ziro spicetify config current_theme Ziro
- install spicetify-cli and themes
superkey is window key
Keybind | Action |
super + enter | Spawn Terminal |
super + q | Spawn Vscode |
super + w | Spawn Chrome |
super + e | Spawn Spotify |
super + z wheel | Spawn Sidebar |
super + x | Change Colorscheme(Dark, White) |
super + d | Spawn Emoji Picker |
PrtSc | Screenshot |
super + PrtSc | ScreenRec |