Telegram Confessions bot.
This is a Confessions Handler Bot for Telegram Channels with this dynamics.
- First you have to create an account on
- Then Log into your account and create a new app, name it as you like.
- Connect your GitHub repo to Heroku and Deploy.
- Add a Heroku Postgres Add-on.
- Config your VENV.
- Start the Dyno and Enjoy!! ;)
- API_ID = Get your api_id on
- API_HASH = Get your api_hash on
- BOT_TOKEN = Token that @BotFather give you.
- CHANNEL_ID = @ of Confessions Channel.
- ADMIN_GROUP_ID = ID of administration Group, where you and other admins can handle Confessions.
- DATABASE_URL = URI of DB, I recommend to use PostgreSQL.
- /info - Used to display info about chat_id and message_id.
- /about - Show info about Bot creator and repo URI.
- /help - Show Channel id ( This command only work on Channels ).
- /banano - Ban the user who made the Confession you respond on Admins Group.
- /respond - Used to respond the user who made the Confession you respond in Admin Group.
If you have any doubt you can contact me on telegram like @Unknown_user_2386
Good luck ;)