Along with this we have a FAQ-bot to solve common doubts about Buzz women foundation and other commonly asked business questions.
Other features inculde a humanoid bot, 3D human bot , social media bot and a telephony bot for villagers who are not having a smart phone.
- Avishkar Mohite - [email protected]
- Dhruv Kunjadiya - [email protected]
- Maitri Amin - [email protected]
- Meloni Patel - [email protected]
- Naman Kothari - [email protected]
- Siddesh Pisal - [email protected]
- Sandeep Ramesh
- Sumanth Sampath
Founded in 2012, Buzz Women equips women from low-incomes backgrounds with financial, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills to overcome poverty and drive prosperity for their families and communities. The nonprofit sends volunteers to remote villages to deliver training programs in financial management, entrepreneurship, and leadership. They make knowledge and opportunities available at their doorstep. So far, Buzz Women has trained 300,000 women with 100s of volunteers. About 190,000 women have come out of moneylender’s trap in rural areas, and about 40,000 new businesses have been started by the women who were trained by Buzz Women volunteers.
The ultimate aim is to bring the knowledge, skills, tools, and opportunities to women. Once they have the right skillsets, they will find the solutions for their problems. And these solutions will be sustainable than any other solution brought to them by outsiders, including the nonprofit.
To help Buzz-women in their amazing work we have made a chat-bot which will help women to take their decisions and transform their lives from poverty to prosperity, from self-pity to self-confidence, from fear to courage.
- GitHub repo link: Link to repository
- Create a domain suggestion form based on skills and place of living.
- Add more language options.
- Create a react native app.