- The login framework for your app
- Implementation of Facebook and Google login
- Easy way to implement custom login and sign up
The Android-Smart-Login library is pushed to jcenter, so you need to add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle
compile 'codelight.studios:android-smart-login:1.2'
If you can't include it as gradle dependency, you can also download this GitHub repo and copy the library folder to your project.
First step in configuring the Smart Login Framework is to implement SmartLoginCallbacks
in your Activity.
public interface SmartLoginCallbacks {
void onLoginSuccess(SmartUser user);
void onLoginFailure(SmartLoginException e);
SmartUser doCustomLogin();
SmartUser doCustomSignup();
Next step is to configure the SmartLoginConfig
SmartLoginConfig config = new SmartLoginConfig(this /* Context */, this /* SmartLoginCallbacks */);
This is the simplest way to configure the library to enable Custom login mode along with Facebook
and Google
login modes.
Next step is to override the onActivityResult
of your Activity.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
smartLogin.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data, config);
Final step is to call the login
method when user clicks on the login button.
/* Facebook Login */
SmartLogin smartLogin = SmartLoginFactory.build(LoginType.Facebook);
/* Google Login */
SmartLogin smartLogin = SmartLoginFactory.build(LoginType.Google);
That's it!
Once the login succeeds, SmartUser object is returned in onLoginSuccess(SmartUser user)
For detailed usage and examples check the Project's Wiki
The following third-party libraries were used in this framework.
- Facebook SDK
- Google Play Services - Auth
- GSON library
Get the current logged in user at anytime from your application by just calling UserSessionManager.getCurrentUser method.
SmartUser currentUser = UserSessionManager.getCurrentUser(context);
if(currentUser != null){
//You have got what you need
All contributions are welcome. Encounter any issue? Don't hesitate to open an issue
Convention: Master branch would be the development branch. So feel free to fork from the Master branch. Release branch will be merged with master branch after every major release.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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