Wordpress theme starter is a custom boilerplate made for Code the Change Foundation to help start the development of a custom Wordpress theme.
It comes with all the base files needed to start a custom theme as well as a folder structure to help keep your files organized. Also included are security patches for common Wordpress security holes.
- Make sure you have a local Wordpress site running on your machine
- Local by Flywheel is the easiest and fastest way to get started. Visit this link to download Flywheel.
- Clone this repo into the Wordpress themes directory in your local Wordpress installation. This is located in wp-content/themes.
# In place of nameOfTheme, use a custom theme name
$> git clone https://github.com/CodetheChangeFoundation/wordpress-theme-starter.git nameOfTheme
- Open the style.css file and change the variables to match your project needs.
Theme Name: Example Theme
Theme URI: www.example.com
Author: Code the Change Foundation
Author URI: http://codethechange.ca
Description: A custom theme for Example non-profit
Version: 1.0.0
Text Domain: example
- Login to your Wordpress admin panel and go to appearance > themes and activate the theme you just created.
Now that you've activated the starter theme, any change made to the files in the theme will be reflected on the site. There are a number of resources you can visit to help you develop your custom theme, I would recommend this YouTube series.