A simple docker image for a no frills squid proxy.
The intention of this container is to provide a proxy server for use on a bastion host so that servers on say a "build" network would be able to access external repositories. This can also be used on other simple setups like home networks.
The proxy is configured to listen on the default port of 3128, but the beauty of Docker is that it is a simple command line option to change the port on the host.
To simply run this on the default port
$ docker run -d -p 3128:3128 cosmicq/docker-squid
But if you want to change the proxy to port 80, then simply run
$ docker run -d -p 80:3128 cosmicq/docker-squid
The docker port will always be 3128, but the port listening on the host can be anything you want.
I have added a method to configure this squid proxy for your network. The default network is This can be changed by two environment variables: $NET and $CIDR. To change the network/netmask, simply add these variables to the run command like this
$ docker run -d -p 3128:3128 --env NET= --env CIDR=24 cosmicq/docker-squid
This will allow squid to proxy for the network with a mask of
If you specify only the NET environment variable, it will be treated like an IP address. This means, only the IP addresses specified will be allowed to proxy traffic.
$ docker run -d -p 3128:3128 --env NET= cosmicq/docker-squid
This container will only allow the IP address to proxy traffic through it.
The proxy has been configured to allow any traffic from other docker containers. From squid.conf
acl DOCKER src
Docker defaults to 172.17.x.x addresses. If you have other containers running on this host, you can point them to this container for proxy access if needed.