A basic tool I've used to generate basic portrait packs for usage with friends. You still need to do a bit of work to get the config files as you want, but this tool allows me to quickly and easily bulk convert my PNG images to DDS, and then generate the desired portrait config files, with their correct filepath. Just takes a lot of the tediousness out of it.
This doesn't make a perfect or finished mod, but the goal is to provide a basic starting point that will at least load in the game. You can tweak from there.
- Bulk convert PNG images to DDS
- Bulk generate portrait config files based on created DDS files
- Python >= 3.10
- ImageMagick
In the below examples I've made spt available in the path, this can be as simple as putting the SDT folder from this project into the directory you're running the command from.
You can run the tool with something like the below.
python spt -s source/ -o output/ --file-conflict replace --generate-configs --config-prefix "example"
You can get a list of available options with
python sdt --help
This tool assumes that you've organised your original portrait files. The way I'd suggest doing it for this tool is like the below. So you will need to organise your base PNG files, but I feel like this makes basic project management a bit easier anyway.
└── gfx
└── models
└── portraits
├── new_human
├── human_pop_00.png
└── human_ruler_00.png
├── tau
├── tau_pop_00.png
├── tau_pop_01.png
└── tau_ruler_00.png
└── orks
├── bigga/
├── ork_leader_00.png
├── ork_leader_01.png
└── ork_leader_02.png
├── ork_pop_00.png
├── ork_ruler_00.png
└── ork_ruler_01.png
If you then run the tool with the below command
python spt -s source/ -o output/ --file-conflict replace --generate-configs --config-prefix "example"
You'll get the below output in the provided output/
├── common
├── portrait_categories
└── example_mod_category.txt
├── species_classes
└── example_species_class.txt
└── portrait_sets
└── example_mod_set.txt
└── gfx
├── models
└── portraits
├── new_human
├── human_pop_00.dds
└── human_ruler_00.dds
├── tau
├── tau_pop_00.dds
├── tau_pop_01.dds
└── tau_ruler_00.dds
└── orks
├── bigga/
├── ork_leader_00.dds
├── ork_leader_01.dds
└── ork_leader_02.dds
├── ork_pop_00.dds
├── ork_ruler_00.dds
└── ork_ruler_01.dds
└── portraits
└── portraits
├── example_new_human.txt
├── example_tau.txt
├── example_orks.txt
└── example_orks_bigga.txt