The code is an implementation of the paper Learning Linear Complementarity Systems, coauthored by Wanxin Jin, Alp Aydinoglu, Mathew Halm, and Michael Posa. We have developed a new learning formulation to learn a linear complementarity system (LCS), which consists of a linear dynamics model and complementarity constraint.
Folder lcs is a python package, which includes
, which packs different utility classes/functions necessary for learning and testing a LCS, particularly including a classLCS_VN
for learning a LCS by the proposed violation-based method and a classLCS_PN
for learning a LCS by the prediction-based method. For technical details of those two different learning techniques, please refer to our paper. -
is an implementation of different gradient-based techniques.
Folder evaluations contains different evaluations
of the proposed violation-based learning method (LCS_VN
in comparison with the prediction-based method (LCS_PN
RUN: the quick way to start the code is to run each script in the evaluations folder. All notations/variable used in the code follow the paper or conventions.
- CasADi: for solving QP and autodiff. (>= 3.5.1. Info:, be sure to install
plugin. - Numpy: for matrix computation. (>= 1.18.1. Info:
If you find this project/paper helpful in your research, please consider citing our paper.
title={Learning Linear Complementarity Systems},
author={Wanxin Jin and Alp Aydinoglu and Mathew Halm and Michael Posa},