Generate datasets with random data.
Main functionnalites:
- Lot of customisation options
- Generate multiple tables
- ...
Run './bin/generate help' print:
generate - Generate datasets with random data.
generate [options]
-h --help Display help information
users Generate users
products Generate products
masson user list --help Show this message
- Open a bash terminal or use the 'bash' command within another terminal
- Note that you'll need to have the windows subsystem feature activated (search for Windows features and turn on)
- Use the command 'sudo apt-get update'
- Use the command 'sudo apt install nodejs'
- Use the command 'sudo apt install npm'
- Remember to only use LF (unix) line ending characters on git commit.
How to customize/initialize the environmment (conf files, docker images...) Undestanding the project layout ...
How to run the tests:
# All the tests
npm test
# Selected tests
npx mocha test/*.coffee