I like to keep updating the stuff that I am working on here for variety of purposes. Please feel free to check my GitHub profile and repos and use them as you like it
🧪 I am intensely passionate about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and absolutely love to learn and satisfy my curiosity about the world in and around me...
🎹 Trying to express myself on the piano for quite a while now, I hold a soft-spot towards all forms of art and love to lose myself in the variety of art-forms existing in this world...
🎯 Being a perfectionist, productivity-freak and a deep thinker, I tend to prefer solitude over company...
💬 Despite coming off as reserved and eccentric, I love to find like-minded people and discuss things with them for hours and hours and hours...
🤝 It is so hard to summarise myself in 5 lines, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. There are so many more things worth discussing right?