Feature rich U# Logger / Console for VRChat.
- Java like log levels.
- Execute commands on locally, globally or on a target player.
- Super weird glitchy syntax for commands.
- e.x.
executeglobal if (is (me) DerpyNewbie) echo "woo hoo!"
- e.x.
- Shortcuts for focusing on input field.
- Custom command handlers.
- Open this link and add repository to your VCC.
- Add NewbieLogger package from DerpyNewbie repos
- Done!
- Open releases
- Download unitypackage in assets.
- Import downloaded unitypackage to your project.
- Done!
I'm lazy, so there's no documentation yet. though it should be written later on.
Extend NewbieConsoleCommandHandler
or some derivative class, Implement that abstract method, Register it
to NewbieConsole
instance, Done!
- Nested Brackets are misbehaving when used multiple time.