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Newbie Logger / Console

Feature rich U# Logger / Console for VRChat.


  • Java like log levels.
  • Execute commands on locally, globally or on a target player.
  • Super weird glitchy syntax for commands.
    • e.x. executeglobal if (is (me) DerpyNewbie) echo "woo hoo!"
  • Shortcuts for focusing on input field.
  • Custom command handlers.

How to Import

Import using VCC

  1. Open this link and add repository to your VCC.
  2. Add NewbieLogger package from DerpyNewbie repos
  3. Done!

Import using unitypackage

  1. Open releases
  2. Download unitypackage in assets.
  3. Import downloaded unitypackage to your project.
  4. Done!


Q. Where is the proper documentation?

I'm lazy, so there's no documentation yet. though it should be written later on.

Q. How do I write custom command handlers?

Extend NewbieConsoleCommandHandler or some derivative class, Implement that abstract method, Register it to NewbieConsole instance, Done!

Known Issues

  • Nested Brackets are misbehaving when used multiple time.