Live Demo: (note that the HTMX takes about a minute to load in sometimes since the free server at sleeps and needs to wake up)
The 7 GUI tasks are detailed here:
Run via
cd angular && ng serve
Note that the Angular code assumes that the Java Sprint Boot server runs at http://localhost:10000 - but if it is not running, that’s fine as well; the pure Angular components will still work just fine.
In development, I develop the Angular version first to have the UI going and then I jump into Intellij
and code the entire backend solution over there. HTMX is always initiated in this way so that the Angular code has the least information about how the backend’s innards do the work.
<div hx-get="http://localhost:10000/timer-init" hx-trigger="load"></div>
The way I used HTMX for those 7 GUI tasks is not optimal, as each user interactions triggers a network call to the Java backend and returns HTML. The HTMX solutions are generally slower in the millisecond range compared to the pure Angular ones, but the delay is minimal, at least when the server is accessed through localhost.
It currently polls at just 100ms. Using 30ms looks a lot smoother, but kind of spams the hardware, so it is not used. If WebSockets are implemented with HTMX, this wouldn’t be an issue, I think.
I spend way too much time making sure that the HTMX API calls are only fired when the timer is running, and that they are stopped when the timer has reached its duration. In the user interface, this isn’t even noticeable.
The backend uses Spring Boot 3.1.5, Java 17, Gradle, Spring Web, Thymeleaf 3.1.2 and starts on port 10000 when launched. This was created via
It is deployed in the free tier on and is accessible under
You can start it on localhost like this:
cd spring-boot && ./gradlew bootRun
The Dockerfile is provided for deployment. Run it via:
docker build -t 7guis . && docker run --publish 10000:10000 7guis
Apparently I was not able to configure Hot Reload on localhost with the backend server inside Intellij Community Edition, so I coded this Emacs Lisp to setup watchers on file changes and then restart the server manually which works just as well.
(defvar dima-spring-file-notifiers nil
"A list of file notifiers.")
(defun dima-spring-file-notifier ()
"Set `dima-spring-file-notifiers' to restar the server on changes."
(--each dima-spring-file-notifiers
(file-notify-rm-watch it))
(setq dima-spring-file-notifiers
(file-notify-add-watch it '(change)
(lambda (event)
(when (and
(not (eq 'stopped (cl-second event)))
(not (s-ends-with-p "~" (cl-third event))))
"Restarted for change in" (cl-third event)))))
(f-directories "~/angular-htmx-7-guis/spring-boot/src/" nil t))))
(defun dima-spring-restart ()
"Kill a running process and restart if needed."
(when-let ((b (get-buffer "*~/angular-htmx-7-guis/spring-boot/gradlew bootRun*")))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(kill-buffer b)))
(let ((default-directory "~/angular-htmx-7-guis/spring-boot/"))
"~/angular-htmx-7-guis/spring-boot/gradlew bootRun"
:on-failure (lambda (_)
(dima-notification-via-hammerspoon "Java Spring failed")))))
;; use angular's default port
(dima-firefox-open-links "http://localhost:4200")
- switch to for the demo server since takes far too long to wake up the server
- finish all tasks (4.5 / 7 done) in Angular and HTMX
- add tests for the non HTMX Components?