PolyGlot: Language Construction Toolkit 3.1.1
Heyo, all! Welcome to version 3.1.1 of PolyGlot! This release focuses on quality of life for users and bug fixes. There are some fun new features, but overall I am hoping that this version will serve to smooth out the general experience of using PolyGlot. The upgrade past Java 8 involved rewriting massive amounts of the codebase, and some new bugs were introduced (all of which are hopefully quashed with this release!). Additionally, I wanted to get a release out for folks who are bummed out by having to stay inside due to Covid and looking for a new toy to play with. Please be safe everyone! There's nothing more socially isolating than working on a conlang, so enjoy!
- License changed to MIT free use license
- Proper font support finally added for Linux
- Font Import menu greately improved/beautified
- Users now warned if PolyGlot cannot open a font binary when pulling from the host OS
- Option to open excel sheet on creation
- Warning added when "Ignore Case" option selected. This feature will likely be removed in later builds.
- Menu now prevents using recursion if regex is not enabled.
- Now warns user if look-ahead/look-behind regex used in phonology section when recursion is not enabled
- Option added to Ignore, overwrite, or add duplicate words on import of csv/tsv/excel lexicon
- Import tsv file compatibility added
- Eliminated annoying mandatory correction of illegal words on exit of lexicon
- Encoding errors on import of csv files handled more gracefully
- New language button added to welcome screen/made it look nicer
- Upgraded to Java 14
- Simplified setup for dev work significantly
- On reordering, conjugation rules could become corrupted (apologies to anyone who lost work to this!)
- Conlang font sometimes failed to load for search bars in lexicon and logograph sections
- Open help menu item broken in Linux
- Etymology tree graphics not printing properly in print to PDF
- Accented characters causing grammar section to freeze up
- Trying to take an empty language quiz raises unhandled error
- "Begins with" regex character (^) ignored in phonology section when not using recursion
- Save As -> Overwrite not functioning properly
- Word legality not being re-checked when part of speech changed in Lexicon
- Lexical Family window failing to add words
- Cursor moved all the way to right any time orthography changed in table
- Printing version of PolyGlot displayed as "2.5" regardless of PolyGlot's version when printing to PDF
- Language quizzes failed to properly reset for retaking
- IPA characters failed to render properly in quizzes