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2. First Steps

IvanAmg edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

Install Arduino IDE

We're assuming that you have installed the Arduino IDE, version 1.6.6 or above. If not, head over to the official website's download page and follow the installation guide.

Install the SAMD Support from Arduino

Next you'll need to install support for the SAMD processors.

In the menu, go to Tools -> Boards -> Board Manager.

Type in Arduino SAMD in the search filter: Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex M0+) will appear. Click Install.

Install support for Electronic Cats boards

Now you need to add support for Electronic Cats boards, which will include the BastWAN. For this, you need to add the following link to your Additional Boards Manager. Go to File -> Preferences and copy and paste the following URL into the 'Additional Boards Manager URLs' input field, and click OK.

Then, go back to the Boards Manager and search for Electronic Cats SAMD . Click Install. Or, if you're like me, late version upgrade!